Chapter 9: Here We Go Again

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When I woke up I must admit I was confused for a second then the headache and memory of last night hit me. I made a mental note to cut back on the alcohol then tumbled out of bed, falling onto the floor, where Lance had been sleeping. When I managed to bring myself to get up I looked around for Lance and found him by the door. He had it creaked open, talking to someone. Being the nosey person that I am, I went up to see if I could catch a glimpse of who it was. Before I even managed to see I heard her  let out a screech in frustration.

"Lance what the hell is she doing her!?" Lance swiftly turned around and saw me standing right by him, "Well guess there's no point in hiding Sarah, Marilou would you like to come in? Because I'd rather you not give the rooms around us a show, ya?" she huffed then took a step in as Lance closed the door behind her. "You know she has a name and is standing right here, after yesterday's stunt I'm surprised you even have the audacity to say anything to me" I growled back, fed up with her and this situation in general. Instead of responding to me, Marilou talked to Lance as if I was some bystander. "Why is she here Lance you're supposed to be with me?" "Ya on contract for the public eye and I'm in private right now" She became flustered with his response, not having expected it, it took her a while to respond. "...Well if some one sees you two together it would ruin our whole deal so this now affects me and my image" That's when I let out a laugh "Right and you setting me up for disaster yesterday on the runway didn't affect my image, now did it?" I snapped back trying to keep my cool. At this point Lance was awkwardly standing in between us. "Listen Marilou, no one saw us I can promise you that so why don't you just leave. I'll take you out for coffee later or something, you can take a whole bunch of pics for your insta to make up for it. What do you say?" Then I chipped in "I say I'm leaving let Marilou stay I'm done with this, with both of you" Lance looked like he wanted to stop me but Marilou only tipped her up like she'd won the battle and huffed with pride. Lance may say he doesn't like her and that it's just for press but by the looks of it, Marilou doesn't want that to be the case.

I found myself knocking on Alex's hotel door ready to go sight see as we'd planed but she wasn't the one to answer the door, I saw Charles instead. "My bad, just tell Alex I stopped by when you can" and I dashed away faster than I thought possible. Looks like I'll be on my own for a while longer. I opened Insta on my way out her hotel in hopes of finding somewhere to eat breakfast nearby, when I saw a follow suggestion for Lando Norris. 

I was halfway done sipping my coffee when I saw he followed me back, I nearly spit my coffee out in shock. Lando Norris actually followed me back! Even crazier he swiped into my DM's! I read his message in disbelief 

"Hey Sarah, I don't know what happened with you and Lance last night but If you're still in the city and want to hang out I'd love to see your face again. I had fun last night, and don't take me the wrong way, I don't mean hook up, I mean have a touristy day around the city if you want with me and a few friends" 

"Hey Lando, I would love to, thanks for the offer. And honestly I'm sorry I didn't go with you last night. Nothing happened with Lance, I just wasted my time with him but oh well, lesson learned. Where should I meet up with y'all?" 

"How about the city center in 30?" 

"Sounds good!" 

 I found Lando and Max F. at the city center with the rest of the Quadrant crew and we spent the rest of the day traveling back and forth. At some point the press even spotted us but we were all enjoying the day too much to care. It was at 6pm when I finally left the crew to leave for my flight back to the U.K. I stopped to get my bags and said a quick goodbye to Alex then went on my way.

However when I made it all the way to the airport, I was told that my flight was cancelled by someone at the check in desk. "What do you mean my flight is cancelled?" "Miss, I mean your flight is quite literally cancelled" "Well when am I going to get back to the U.K. then?" "Hell if I know, they're protesting over there, and you know how those protests go" "Fuck! I'm screwed!" My first thought is what am I going to tell my boss at the internship, my second thought being where am I going to stay the night, I already checked out of my hotel room. 

Reluctantly I called myself a cab and had them take me to the hotel Aston Martin would be staying at, looks like my parents are gonna have a surprise guest staying with them. Which led me to my other problem what am I going to tell them, and what am I going to tell my boss, It's not like I can say 'hey I'm stranded in Italy because I modeled despite promising not to pick up other work'. So when the cab finally arrived to their hotel, and I was quickly kicked to the curb after paying the driver, I called my parents to find out which room was theirs. When my mom answered the phone, I found her standing in the lobby. By the looks of it they'd just now arrived as well . 

"Sarah dear, I wasn't expecting you here, especially after that new internship!" "Ya me either, I came for a concert and then my flight got canceled so now I have no where to stay and I don't know when I'll be able to get back." it felt weird knowing how easily lying to them had become "Oh dear, well you can take our spare room. Work gets us two rooms due to HR but we only need one so here take this one" my mom said as she handed me a key card. "Thanks mom" "Of course, I know it's hard to find a hotel right now with everything going on in the city. Oh and Sarah, don't worry about your job, just tell them you're sick with a virus or something, doubt they'd want that around the office." I nodded my head and walked over to the elevator to go off to the hotel room I'd be staying at and did exactly what my mom told me. I texted my coworker letting them know I'm sick then sent my boss the same email. Hopefully they'd buy it.

After settling in the new room I opened up insta again and let my friends, which now included Lando, know that I was staying in Italy a little longer than anticipated. Not even seconds after Lando immediately  offered me paddock passes for McLaren for the rest of the race week, which I gladly accepted. Now that my parents know I'm here I'd need to go to at least one race and at least this way I wont have to stay in Aston and risk seeing Lance or even worse Marilou. Then I called Alex and yapped off to her about everything that happened today, which she ended up apologizing for profoundly  because of her ditching me for Charles. I told her not to worry because it led me to having a great day with Lando and his friends so she dropped it. At this pace it looks like my week is about to get even more interesting.  

Hey guys, to no one's surprise I haven't edited this 

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