Chapter 12: Work buddies

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Starting my internship at Aston I of course expected to see my mother but she did not expect to see me. "Sarah what are you doing here?" "Er, I got an internship" "You what?" "I know you can't be that deff mother" "How'd you manage to do that?" "Do you really think I'm so incapable of working that I can't get an internship with the team?" "Of course not, don't twist my words young lady, I'm just surprised. I didn't even know we were looking for interns right now. You probably used your father or I as a recommendation I'm assuming" "No, I actually managed this on my own. Now if you excuse me I have stuff to do" "Oh ya, don't let me take away from your work, hahaha" I rolled my eyes in return.

Looks like our relationship is still on the same page, cold as usual. At least my dad is happy when he sees me wandering around which happens to be a lot. And is honestly a curse more than a blessing ,because that means Lance isn't far off and we can't act out in the slightest way possible. The last thing I'd want is for my father to find out Lance and (mostly) I lied to him again, especially when Lance's whole race strategy relays on my dad. Not to mention that if everyone here finds out I probably won't lose the internship thanks to Lance's dad owning it, but I would definitely be thought less of. For legal reasons too, our relationship needs to be under lock and key, because Lance has one more month until he can end his PR relationship with Marilou as stated in their exit clause. This means I have one more month of seeing that ratchet ho (excuse my language) And of course every time I see her in the garage she goes out of her way to try and make a fool out of me. What's worse is Lance can't do anything about her attitude  since he isn't around for the half of it and If I complain about everything it would never end. 

And today was one of those days! "Oh, Sarah, didn't see you there! Would you mind bringing me something to drink" "Sorry, I might be an intern but being a slave to you is not a part of my job description. Plus I overheard some models whispering that you tend to bloat a lot. I mean I think that's why you lost your last modeling job, right?  I wouldn't wanna be a bad person by helping that issue continue" Before I even said it I knew it's bad to pick on someone about their body and hurt them by using their insecurities but I've had it! Marilou's been treating me like shit for the last few days and the people in the garage are always put in an awkward position standing by and hearing all this. Hell, the mechanics faces show it, as they  try not to snicker. 

"Why, at least I still model and get paid more than in intern salary, Maybe if you didn't fall you'd still have a career there too" Did she seriously continue God, she makes me want to jump off a cliff, or just push her off one! I started forming my comeback when my mom came in and shut me up quick. "Listen here Marilou, you may be Lance's girlfriend but last I checked we, and by we I mean the Aston Martin team, run the garage and I'm sure you'd like to be able to keep on staying here, yes? Because If you don't keep your trap shut, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kick you out for distracting the team and harassing an employee, Would you like that? I can even get the cameras to pan over here and broadcast it for all the world to see!" 

To say the least my mom ATE that speech up, "Sarah, quit gawking and come with me, I have something I need you to do" I looked over to my mom and saw she was already outside the garage, so I sped up to reach her. "What am I supposed to do?" "Nothing, I just used it as an excuse to get you out of there" "...Why?" "Because I couldn't take it any longer. Someone had to put that girl in her place and that person simply happened to be me." "So are we on good terms again?" "I stood up for you because your my child, that doesn't mean I forgave you for lying to my face" "Way of getting my hopes up mom!" "Whatever kido, just go find your dad and watch the race next to him in the pitwall" 

I pulled up an extra chair and grabbed a set of headphones anticipating the race start. My dad was locked in and I didn't dare say a peep, the last thing I need is for him to get distracted and cost Lance his place. "Lights out" the announcer on the broadcast said, and with that the cars dashed off. Going into turn 1 everything was smooth, so smooth that both Astons went up two places as they overtook the Mercedes. "Good job Lance, P6, I repeat you're at p6" "LETS GO!" I heard his energetic scream over the radio and a smile instantly spread across my face. Everything was going amazing even through the 2 safety cars William's caused. We were now down to only 2 laps and Lance was in 5th which would be the highest any Aston had scored this season. So when it the checkered flag came out, and he hadn't dropped any positions everyone in the team was static. "P5 Lance, you did it kid, highest place this whole season! Right behind the McLarens " "Woooo! thank you so much guys, God, I couldn't have done it without you! Fuck ya we're celebrating tonight! Drinks on me everyone!" hearing that I couldn't help but laugh over the radio on accident. "Was that Sarah?" "Ya, sorry about that Lance, she's here in the pitwall with us" my dad answered as he gave me one of those dad glares. 

Taking my headset off I waited for all the cars to park in their places, so I could leave my seat. In the meantime I started watching the broadcast of the winners interview. Unable to hear much by the crowds cheering I was startled when someone tapped my shoulder. "Jesus!" Lance was standing right behind me still in his race suit all the way zipped up, helmet in hand, drenched in sweat. "What are yo-" unable to finish my senate for the second time today Lance leaned down and put his lips right onto mine. "I wanted to celebrate my win in the best way possible" I turned to my right and saw my dads eyes nearly bulging out in shock some expression I had no clue how to interpret. "Aren't you supposed to be with Marilou right now?" I asked in a whisper "Screw it, I'm so over that arrangement, she can sue me for money if she wants" he simply shrugged it off as he stood by me and looked towards my dad. "Hey Ben, I hope you don't have any issues with me dating your daughter?" "I mean even if I did it wouldn't matter, you two are some of the most head strong people I know" I let out a giggle to ease up my nerves "So you're not mad about this?" "Eh,  you could say far from it, It's like both my kids got together" "Maybe don't put it that way" "Ya looking back that sounds wrong, but you get the point. Plus I already had my suspicions when your mom and I saw you in the elevator wearing the same shirt you did the day before." "To be fair we weren't a thing then." "Oh really?" "Nope Sarah ran out on me a few times" "Can't imagine why" "I thought you were supposed to be on my side" "I am but she can always do better you know" "Trust me I know, got some big completion out there. anyways I'm gonna get going I need to change out and talk to press but I'll see you guys later" My face flushed red with embarrassment when I realized everyone around us was staring. Looking down at my phone I pretended I got a phone call I had to take and wandered out before anyone could stop me to ask any more questions about what just happened. 

With my luck however I ran into a very angry Marilou who started screaming at me "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING KISSING LANCE ON PUBLIC BROADCASTING!!!" "What do you mean?" "I MEAN THE CAMERAS CAUGHT YOU TWO FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE!!!" "Guess the whole world knows now" "THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY!!!" "Sorry what exactly do you want me to say? Sorry that Lance likes me more than he does you. Sorry that you were just a PR stunt? Get over it" I walked away from her, hearing her mumble curse words under her breath. I decided to start walking over to Ferrari and find Alex knowing that she'd want all the tea and avoid the press inside their motor house.


Hey guys once again I really need to stop making empty promises because I'm on holiday with my family right now so I haven't been able to write... But I'm so over this story as you can probably tell by how crappy my writing has been. I'll most likely end it in 2-4 more chapters. After all my idea was originally just the first 2 chapters, everything after that has been improv so ya... I know not smart only end but I really want to start writing a new tennis story because I have a great idea for it... And ofc I haven't revised or edited this chapter so ignore all errors please! 

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