Chapter 10: Secrets

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I'd arrived at the McLaren garage on the day qualifying. In there I met Oscar and his girlfriend Lily who turned out to be really sweet. Overall, the McLaren paddock was 10 times better than anticipated, partly because I was away from all the drama at Aston. The only part about it that sucked was when the photographers came out and surrounded Lando and I. At some point during the broadcasting they even spun the cameras over at me, because there was a safety car out on track and nothing interesting was going on. At that moment I realized if my parents were looking at the broadcast I'd be dead since they listed me as a model. Though my parents are probably too busy doing something else at the moment to look up. However the one thing I did have to explain to them was, what I was doing at the McLaren paddock. So I told them that I grew close with Alex and she introduced us, which wasn't exactly a lie, more like selective truths. 

In the end, Lando ended up qualifying P3 which was amazing, and of course he had to stay behind to have a meeting with his race engineers and stuff right after. So I decided to go out and get some coffee from one of the vendors in the paddock, since I was able to reschedule my flight for tonight and was already tired. As I wondered around with my cup of coffee in hand, I found my mom with a really agitated look on her face. Thus, I decided to go up to her and see what's up, thinking it's probably about the car or their quali result. 

"Hey mom, what's up you look really irritated" "Tell me about it, you know what I need to get back to work but your dad and I are going to talk to you later" and with the she went off inside the Aston paddock with a few other workers. I guess something super serious must be going on in there, so I shrugged it off and kept on walking back to McLaren, in hopes that Lando may be done by now. I took a pause right outside when my phone started ringing, it was my boss calling. "Hello?" I asked supper concerned "Sarah hey, it has come to my attention that you are not in fact sick" "I..." "Don't bother giving me your excuses Sarah, simply hear me out" I muttered to myself, Oh shit I'm fucked!

"I just saw you on my tv, now I understand that going to an F1 race is really exciting and worth skipping work over, however this isn't the only thing that caught my attention but in fact, the magazine cover that was left on my desk dated a few days ago of you modeling, which breaks our terms and conditions written in your work contract so I'm afraid I must let you go. Despite how much I hate doing over the phone, feel free to drop by sometime and gather your belongings. You know I had high hopes for you, what a shame to see your talent wasted." and with that he hung up. My world just came crashing down hard, looks like I'll be relying on modeling for the next few months, if I still want to keep money in my savings untouched. Which leads me to my next question is it really worth catching that flight back to England, I mean hanging around the paddock has been quite the buzz. 

"Jesus!" I turned around, startled to find Lance tapping my shoulder, getting me out of  my thoughts. "What are you doing..." "Just hear me out, I don't have much time, I need to go back to a meeting but I had to warn you" "What are you yapping about?" "Your parents know!" "...Know what?" "IT, they know you model" "How?!" "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault.." "WHAT DID YOU DO" "I swear it wasn't me who said anything it was.." "Spit it out Lance!" "Marilou" 

I was seeing red, how dare that ho get in my way and stir up even more trouble in my life. God, at this moment I'd be grateful if she was struck down by lighting. "So that's why mom looked upset earlier and told me they'd talk to me later! Uh I'm utterly screwed, I just lost my job, my parents now know I've been modeling, and I have no clue what do from here!!!" I yelled out loud enough for the whole paddock to hear. "Wait you lost your job?" "Yes, thanks to your girlfriend's little stunt, I was front page on a magazine with the headline reading 'Sarah Pallé took a big tumble and fall'   which ended up on my boss' desk" "He can't fire you over a magazine" "No, but he can since I took an other job and I signed a contract saying I wouldn't" "Shit Sarah, I'm so sorry listen I'll figure something out for you, I promise" "Lance with what you're telling me right now, I don't think I ever want to see you again!" "Sarah, please I need to get back, just meet up with me on race day tomorrow" His eyes looked full of guilt and sorrow, but he ran off swiftly. 

If he thinks he can somehow fix this, I'd love to see him try. I took one more sip of my coffee, which was entirely cold by now and threw it away. I really need to talk to Alex right now.  

Hey guys sorry for the shorter chapter, I'll make up for it next time! Which hopefully after these next weeks will be daily or like 3 times a week! (and I feel like I don't even need to say it anymore but like haven't edited this one either as always)

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