5. Flying solo

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'My life, My life, would be real low zero flying solo without you'

Julie and Olivia stood awkwardly smiling on the stage while the students utter to themselves in awe and confusion at the disappearance of the boys. They have no idea what to say and Olivia was a terrible liar. Terrible

"Hey, where'd the rest of the band go" The technician asks walking up to the girls. Olivia stares wide eyes fidgeting nervously.

"Wait, We're those holograms?" Kayla, a member from 'Dirt Candy' asks them

"Yes" Olivia replies a little high pitched before coughing awkwardly "Yes, they were holograms. Um.. Julie helped me plug it into the ceiling projector before the show. I'd explain it, but it involves algorithms and science stuff which is very confusing you know-" Olivia gets cut of my Julie nudging her before she can carry on with her nervous rambles. The students all cheer in reply at the girls.

"Julie, I may or may not be slightly panicking more right now" Olivia mutters to said girl, before turning to the audience and smiling at the cheers, Julie just replies by grabbing her pinky and lacing them together. Olivia looks after seeing movement in the corner of her eye just in time to see Reggie walk up the stage stairs and wiggle his hips, this makes her snort covering it up as a cough, she turns to look at Alex and Luke who shake their heads.

"Ok, people, shows over" Principle Lessa claps getting the students attention. " Let's get back to class, please" The students all start to pile out, Olivia notices Alex and Luke following them which confuses her as they can just poof out, plus Reggie trying to talk to Kayla, which makes her smile.

"Mrs. Harrison, I am so sorry for not asking for permission" Julie apologises, sitting down at the edge of the stage, Olivia quickly following after noticing she should as well.  "Olivia as well, I just wanted to show you I belong here"

"As amazing as that was, your spots already been filled by another student." Mrs. Harrison informs, before towards a small boy carrying an instrument way to big for him, well more like dragging it making it slam down the stage stairs, Olivia cringes.

"Ok, come on that thing is way to big for him!" Olivia complains while throwing an arm out.

"He'll grow into it." Mrs. Harrison tries to convince the girls, and Olivia can tell also herself. "I wish that I could help you, but my hands are tied" Mrs. Harrison says making Olivia and Julie look down in disappointment.

Principle Lessa walks over to the girls. "Mine aren't, and as much as I didn't approve of this little stunt that you pulled, I will not go down in history as the principal who kicked Julie Molina out of the music program, and who got Olivia Richards in trouble for helping her" This makes Olivia and Julie brighten up with smiles on their faces.

"Thank you!" Julie exclaims looking at Olivia and Mrs. Harrison with a smile on her face. Olivia reaches over and grabs her hand.

"But... when you win your first Gramm, I want to be thanked" Principal adds pointing a finger at both girls making them smile more.

"Definitely " Julie and Olivia agree at the same time nodding their heads.

"Thank you" Principal Lessa says before walking off

"Congratulations" Mrs. Harrison pulls Julie into a hug Olivia smiling at them both "Welcome back" Mrs. Harrison also walks.

Olivia and Julie look up to see Flynn standing close to them, making both girls stand up and walk closer to her.

"Wow. You did it." Flynn says. However, Olivia can hear the sadness in her voice making her smile turn into a frown.

"Thanks to you and Olivia" Julie tells her, Flynn nods her head sadly Julie also notices the girls mood shift.

Perfect Harmony~ Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now