𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖 - 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝

Jules had spent the afternoon unpacking and freshening up after travelling home whilst Art cooked up her favourite dinner - chilli. The two were sat at the table as Art was asking numerous questions about how her college experience was and begging her to share some stories and gossip with him. This was refreshing for Art as he feels transported back in time when his daughter talks about Stanford but also feels like he's seeing it through a totally new perspective now. It made her father very proud that she had climbed up the ranks in her very first year and already become number one in the tournaments. The Donaldson name continued to thrive in regard to Stanford tennis. Art was adamant that he would attend her big match at the end of the semester. After a few minutes of comfortable small talk, Jules took a long gulp of her water before speaking. " Dad there's something I need to tell you and please don't freak out when I tell you this." Art just rolled his eyes at his daughter and was moving his fork in circles with small gestures of the wrist.

" Honey when do I ever over react ?" Even Art knew his was a lie, Jules gave him a knowing look and he quickly surrendered. " Okay maybe I do. BUT. I won't this time. Fire away sweetheart. " She took a deep breath " I kind of have a boyfriend." Art stared at her blankly even pausing on the food he was chewing. " What." Art said lowly. "Dad I promise you, he's great ! He's kind and intelligent and he also plays tennis. We met at one of my matches actually. "  Art held his hand in the air with his eyes closed. " woah, woah, woah. What's his name" He inquired . " Lucas" His Daughter told him , " Dad you would really like him. " Art took a long sip of his drink, stared into space for a minute before uttering. " I need to meet this kid, see if he's good enough for my girl." Jules could tell that he was beginning to warm up to the idea and was slightly joking around with her but she took this as her opportunity to propose her next idea. "He's asked us to go for dinner at his dads house together. So you'll get to meet him and his dad. I fell like you two would really get along." Art pondered on this for a moment before agreeing. Jules ran around the table to hug her father, she stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his neck and he reciprocated by putting his hand on her arms.

The next couple of days flew by and before they knew it, the Donaldsons were in Arts white Porsche convertible , speeding down an empty road on the way to the Zweig's household. Jules hadn't told Art much about Luca's father just yet, not for any particular reason, she just wanted her dad to make his own judgement of the two when he met them. Both father and daughter were sporting matching Ray-ban aviator sunglasses. Art was wearing a white Ralph Lauren polo shirt with blue trousers and his white and navy Adidas sambas. Jules was in white linen trousers, a navy halter neck top and navy Adidas speizals. Her golden chestnut hair was in a blowout style and was being tossed around by the light, warm winds of California. The Donaldsons always looked, clean, well put together and stylish and today was no exception. Loud house music was blasting from the car and Jules rested her arm on the window ledge letting it lean outside the car. Every so often Art would look at his daughter, smile at her contently and turn his attention back to the road.

After about 45 minutes of driving up and through the California hills, they finally reached a quaint looking brick house with a black BMW outside it, lots of greenery in the garden and a large chimney. Both father and daughter got out of the car and closed their doors with a slam simultaneously, which alerted what sounded like two large dogs. They lifted their sunglasses to the tops of their heads and Jules rushed ahead pressing the door bell. After a couple of seconds a young, fresh faced, hair haired boy answered the door with a welcoming smile. " Hey Jules!" Her gave her a small peck on her cheeky and the noticed his girlfriends father standing behind her, he had a hint of familiarity but Lucas couldn't work out where he had seen him before. " Lovely to meet you Mr Donaldson. " He offered his hand out to Art who took it and began to shake it firmly. He felt as if he had seen Lucas's face before, it gave him a pang of nostalgia. "You two son. Thank you so much for having us, and please call me Art." This felt like a weight was being off of Lucas's shoulders who had been anticipating this first meeting to go much worse than it did, it seemed to be a relief for Jules too, who all of a sudden noticed that she was holding her breath during the entire interaction, she took a breath and smiled at the to contently. " Come in guys, go through to the kitchen my Dads in there making dinner." Art raised his eyebrows and flashed an impressed face to Jules when Luca's had turned his back to lead them into his house. The kitchen was rustic, it wasn't quite as large as the Donaldson's however it was cosy and rustic and you could tell it was a house full of love. Jules and Lucas turned a corner into the kitchen where a dark haired man who looked just like Lucas but slightly older , with a rugged stubbly beard, a large smile, and dark eyes. It was Patrick. He was wearing an apron and tossing onions in a smoking frying pan. " Jules! So good to see you again kid." He put his pan down and hugged the girl and she reciprocated. " Hey Patrick, thanks so much for having us." She released the hug to introduced the man who had his back to them at the moment as he was curiously looking at the houses décor. " Patrick this is my father..." As she said this Art turned around with a smile which very quickly dropped. " Art Donaldson." Jules continued. Patricks mouth turned up into an irritated smirk. " Nice to see you again Donaldson." Patrick was playing a game now and Art knew full well. As these too were already more than acquaintances. He was staring his life long rival in the face and to make things worse His daughter was dating His son. " you too Patrick." He would have said something much worse if it wasn't for the fact he was here for his daughter. He bit back long term pent up insults that he wanted to fling at Patrick and instead settled for a civilised half smile. This confused the young couple. " Wait you two know each other?" Lucas asked them perplexed about what was happening. " acquaintances" Art told the boy. " Yes" Patrick said the at same time. They were in for a long night.

Lucas had fetched the two a drink and took them on a tour of the house, they were now in the garden and 1000 thoughts were running through Art's head at once whilst the kids were talking about college. He decided that he was just going to get through tonight and keep his distance from Patrick. Luca's would occasionally ask Art questions about himself or his past at Stanford. Then after about 35 minutes, Patrick called them for dinner. They sat outside at a wooden dining table, Jules opposite Patrick and Art next to her and Lucas opposite Art with Patrick next to him.  The warm, spring sun set in the distance, the area lit with warmly tinted lanterns and music was playing quietly in the background. The couple led the conversation whilst their two fathers were discreetly staring diagonally across at each other with daggers. It was clear that they both had their children's best interest at heart which is why they refrained from jumping across the table and fighting each other. Instead Patrick started a conversation sarcastically whilst stabbing his salad with a fork. " Your daughters a natural at tennis Donaldson. I wonder where she got that from ?" A lightbulb then went off in Lucas's head. Jules had never told him that her father was a tennis player. " Wait you're THE Art Donaldson. As in tennis legend Art Donaldson? I have one of your rackets !! ." Art looked down at his plate with a smirk, modestly. " Guilty. " He replied slightly embarrassed. " Best at Stanford." Patrick added his voice laced with jealousy and spite that only Art could detect. " Won every match he ever played, minus one." He was smirking like mad. Art knew that he was referring to the match that was the start of the end of their friendship. The match that created a love triangle and made the two men sat at the table complete strangers. Art just hummed to himself and sipped his drink. After a couple of hours the Donaldson's called it a night. Jules hugged Patrick which made Art slightly wince and then kissed Lucas. Patrick held his hand out to Art " Nice to see you again man." Art couldn't tell whether he was being for real or not so just took his hand and briefly replied, " Thanks for having us Patrick." and then put his hand on Luca's shoulder " Nice to meet you Lucas, I'm really happy for you and Jules." This wasn't a lie, Art had nothing against Lucas, he thought he was very well raised and polite and he knew that he was good to his daughter, it was just a shame who his father was. This remark made his daughter beam and kiss her boyfriends cheek again. " Lovely to meet you Sir." Lucas politely told Art. " Lucas please call me Art." The pair left the Zweig household and drove home making little conversation in the car but Jules was content as she had been given her fathers seal of approval and she thought Art was just tired. But in reality Art was still completely in shock about the events had just unfolded and who was dating his daughter.

A Donaldson and a Zweig. Was history about to repeat itself ?

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