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POV: Travis Phelps

Warnings: Cursing, mentions of rotting.

I sit on my creaky bed. Father is too fucking cheap to get a stable bed frame so it's whatever. It's not like I expected him to do that anyway. He'd rather fuck a dirt pile full of ants than spend money on me, but it's whatever!

I'm just gonna lay here.. aall boreddd. No one to talk to.!.. "I'm so fucking bored." I mumble. Maybe looking out the window will entertain me. There isn't shit else to do anyway!

3rd person:

Travis sits up from his bed, the bed making a slight creaking noise. He walks to the window sill, opening the curtains and looking outside. He has a view of the backyard, which isn't much. It's mostly filled with a bunch of Christian related things and creepy looking garden gnomes. He looks at the bushes, the grass, the flowers, behind the trees.. But he notices something behind a tree.. Something humanoid? Creepy?.. Maybe Kenneth just put one of those angel statues behind it.. "That's probably just some of the thousand angel statues father has.." Travis had thought to himself. 

It's barely even noticeable, so Travis focuses on a new thing. One of the 30 million garden gnomes. It has a green hat, a long beard, a raincoat, some dirt covered pants, and a shovel. It's a bit weird looking, possibly even silly! 

Travis then looks at the rose bushes. It has prickly thorns and pretty red roses. They remind him of his mother. She went missing ages ago. No one really knows what happened to her. It's such a shame. Everybody loved her and looked up to her. Travis made a conclusion that some jealous person murdered her or something. 

Travis then looks at the grass. It's blooming with red, yellow, and white flowers. The grass looks green and healthy. Not a weed on site! The White flowers are small and delicate. The red ones look bold and gorgeous. The yellow ones look slightly withered and dead. 

Travis looks back at the tree. He notices the "statue" has moved its pose. It's now holding onto the tree and looking at the window. Travis notices the face.. looks.. distorted and rotted, yet so familiar. Although he wants to keep staring, something tells him to close the blinds, so he does so. He feels very creeped out. he swears remembering the "statue" being fully behind the tree and nothing but an arm sticking slightly out. 

Travis decides he should just go to bed. He has school tomorrow anyway, and it's not like the garden will grow legs and walk away. He can admire it another time! And that "statue" is giving him creeps anyway. 

Travis Phelps POV:

I walk to my bed yet again and sit down in it. It makes that squeaking sound. What if one day it just breaks?. I doubt that. I highly doubt I will break the whole bed, so I'm fine. I should really get some sleep, I have an exam tomorr- *tap* *tap*. "What the hell?" I mumble. *Tap* *tap*. 

What the hell is tapping on the window?.. Maybe it's a tree branch.. But there are no trees around the window? Maybe It's a- *tap* *tap*.  Oh! maybe it's that cat that has been hanging around for a while! I'm gonna go look!

3rd person POV:

Travis stands up, yet again. He walks to the window, again. And he opens the window curtains. Instead of seeing a soft, cute, and precious cat, he sees a rotted, deceased looking woman. She has her finger on the glass. Her jaw is opening and closing, like she's trying to say something.

Her skin looks molded and gross. Her hair is greasy and wet. Travis quickly closes the curtains and backs away. Who Is that? WHAT is that? Is that a ghost? A zombie? A demon?? Travis had lots of things going through his mind. The tapping is still happening, but he begins to hear some talking. he walks just 2 steps forward and slightly leans in.

He hears the thing murmuring "My baby". What is it talking about? What baby? Who the HELL is this "person"?? Is this a sick joke? And why does that distorted and rotted thing look so familiar to him? 

Travis takes another step forward. He hears the things jaw popping every word. It's repeating the same things. He notices a putrid smell seeping in from the thing. It smells absolutely disgusting! Like a rotting animal frying on a hot road in summer. Travis turns around and runs out of the room.

He runs upstairs to the guest bedroom. He can see the backyard and a little bit of the window from there. Travis runs up to the window and opens the curtains. He looks around and spots the thing limping around. The creature thing seems to still be talking, its jaw still moving and popping. He sees the things jaw dislocating. He can barely see it as it begins to walk back to the woods. What the hell was that thing?

 This was based off yet another dream 🥰 

 This was based off yet another dream 🥰 

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Look at this cat 

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