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As we may know Lucifer and Alastor have been Shipped Together but Imagine yourself "What if they Never had a crush on each other?" Sounds Kinda Confusing Right? Because they don't like each other. So In this AU They like Each other but Lucifer Has a Sickness And Alastor Takes care of him Also Charlie,Angeldust,And Husk In this AU Angel and Husk are together And Charlie is with Vaggie like in the Show. And All of them are Gone from that sickness that Lucifer has.. Also Maybe Some of them May Survive Or not. As Adam and lute are Both Together in this AU Charlie Fights for her life to Help her father get better And Alastor helps her.After Lucifer is a Fallen Angel after what happened He stills cares for the Whole Hotel of everyone...
"Now the story may begin..."

*At the Hotel."

*Lucifer coughs*
Alastor: Lucifer here.. *Gives him a pill* I don't like seeing you like this..*
Lucifer: I know honey... *Angel dust comes in*
Angel dust: Alastor! Is Lucifer okay?
Alastor: he's doing okay for now right love?
Lucifer: mhm.
Husk: Well me And Charlie are gonna Go Beat the shit out of Valentino..
Lucifer: just make sure- *He coughs* that my little char char doesn't get hurt.
Husk: I will sir don't worry.
*At The Stage where Valentino is.*

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