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*At the Stage where Valentino is*
Husk: Where's that Moth Looking ass Bitch!?
Vox: who the hell are You-*Gets cut off my Velvette*
Velvette: He's On The Radio's demon Team Remember?
Velvette: Do I have to repeat myself?
Husk: Tell Me where Valentino Is now!
Angel dust: Calm down husk! *He gets nervous*
Husk: sorry love. But where's Valentino-
*Valentino puts his hands on Angel dust's  Shoulders*
Valentino: well if it isn't My Chiquito Angel dust~ what are you doing here baby~
Husk: get your dirty Hands off him!
Valentino: What Are you jealous your just a Useless piece of- *Charlie Hits him*
Husk: Good Job Charlie!
Angel dusk: She Got it From Me!
Velvette: Gosh you three pieces of shit.
*At The Stage*
Valentino: Okay the Three of you. Are Wilding to help us or what?
Husk: Hell no
Valentino: Angel come here. NOW!
*Angel dust goes with Valentino*
*Niffty is behind them Secretly*

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