The angels VS The Demons...

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Adam: Lute! Go Get that Damn radio demon!
*they attack*
Adam: *Chocking charlie* Where's your damn dad huh? He doesn't even care for his own daughter what a Loser..
Charlie: h-he's sick!
Adam: Oh Well. sucks to be him!- *Lucifer Punches Adam and making him fall down*
Lucifer: *Holds Charlie in bridal style*
Charlie: Dad?
Lucifer: Come on Charlie *he coughs* I'm okay- *Adam Throws him*
*Lucifer falls*
Angel dust: Lucifer!
Alastor: What do you mean? Lucifer is at the hotel- *Sees him*
Alastor: Lucifer! be careful my darling! *Lute is Holding her spear ready to attack him*
*Niffty stabs Adam*
Lute: SIR! *She screams*
Lucifer: Great job Niffty!
*1 day after*
*Lucifer is all okay now But Alastor Has Been stabbed by Lute's Spear and Lucifer takes care of him because when Lucifer was sick Alastor took care of him and the whole hotel did.*
Alastor: Thanks Sweetheart.
Lucifer: no problem *He smiles and kisses alastor*
*Alastor is in shock and kisses him back*
*Charlie knocks on the door*

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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