Neverland: The newest adventures of Peter Pan

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This is my first fanfic! I hope you enjoy it!


I was wet. I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. I was on a sandy beach. The ocean seemed to extend before me for a thousand miles. I must be on an island. I slowly sat up and tried to ring the salt water out of my hair as best as i could. I looked down at my forest green dress, which was totally ruined.

I looked around for any sign of a human, but i saw no one. I gathered my strength, and shakily stood up.

Bad idea. My ankle seemed to be twisted. I landed back down on the sand with a huff of frustration. I had to get up at some point. Just a few more minutes of rest i told myself...just a few more........

(Hook's pov)

I twirled my mustache in anger. It was turning out to be an extremely beautiful day. I hated beautiful days. A pretty blue bird landed in my shoulder. I growled and batted it away.

Peter Pan had just escaped again, unharmed. I was becoming very tired of these games, and of me always losing.

"Captain!" Smee came running towards me, his round belly jiggling like a bowl of jello.

"What?!" I stood so that Smee was staring at my nose.

"Well...we...umm.. Were making our daily rounds looking for Pan, and we were just walking about you know, and then we sort of..,kind of..stumbled upon a girl."

I turned towards him, confused,"A girl you say?"

"Yes, Cap'n. She was washed up on the shore she was. It isn't Wendy though, I already checked."

I stroked my mustache, lost in thought. "Smee, you say this girl is pretty, do ya?"

Smee fumbled with his words, which i took as a yes.

"I think we may just have an answer to our problem. Bring me the girl."

Smee gulped, but nodded.

A few moments later, we had the girl locked in a room. She was passed out, and wouldn't she be shocked when she awoke on the Jolly Rodger with a bunch of Pirates? But even more so, i couldn't wait to see the look on Pan's face when he sees we have a lassy here in Neverland.

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