Chapter three

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Ok so here is Chapter Three! Enjoy!


Peter's pov

I swooped over the crystal clear lake where the mermaids lived, and waved as i passed. I could see the Pirate Ship now. I flattened out against the sky, flying faster. I could see the ship in full detail ahead of me.

At the main mast, close to the very top, i could make out a human form. I stopped flying immediatly. Had they killed someone? I stood there, unable to move. I saw whoever it was's hand move slightly as it thrashed in the ropes it was tied in.

I grinned from ear to ear and flew over the ship. "Hello there Hook!"

He glared at me, but there was a smug smile on the corner of his lips. "Pan, what a pleasant surprise!"

I landed gracefully on the top of the main mast.

"Pan I would like u to meet our new guest in Neverland."

He gestured over to the person tied to the mast, and I saw it squirm. I couldn't quite tell if it was a girl or a boy.

"Why is it tied to the main mast? That is hardly a way to treat a guest!"

It mumbled something under it's breath.

I quickly hopped down to where it was tied, keeping my eyes on Hook. I slowly began to untie the person.

"I wouldn't do that If i were u." The pirates adjusted the cannons, and pointed them at us both. I kept untying while chatting with Hook.

"Why not?"

"Why because once you untie her, your little friend, ah, what's her name again? Tiger Lily? Oh yes Peter we have her right here! Once you untie those ropes, she will die. You can only save one person Peter, so chose wisely."

I immediately stopped cutting, and looked down to where Pirates held Tiger Lily tied to a chair with a sword at her neck. She shook her head for me not to save her, but I knew I had to. As quick as i could i cut the girl at the mast free, and leaned in close to her ear.

"I am going to let you down now. Grab a sword and fight as many of them as you can."

The person nodded, and i could feel her muscles relax under my grip.

Ok, Tiger Lily it is."

I quickly flew down and took the blindfold off of the girl. I saw kicked a Pirate in the head as I grabbed his sword and drew my own, running towards Tiger Lily and setting her free.

She grabbed her weapons and i circled back around, dropping pixie dust on both of them. Tiger Lily immediately started to rise, but the other one stayed on the ground.

"You have to think happy thoughts!" I yelled. She was too mesmerized by the sight of me flying to even move.


I saw her face change as she realized the Pirates were catching up to her, and I saw her face scrunch up in concentration. She smiled, and didn't rise slowly, but all at once burst into the air.

She was a fast learner! She smiled as she swooped over to where we stood in the sky.

"I'm flying!" She spun around and around, laughing. She smiled as she circled around me and Tiger Lily. Tiger Lily's face was full of concern.

She tapped my shoulder. "Peter, did u bring her here?"

Is shook my head.

"Did Hook?"

I shook my head again.

"Then who did Peter? People don't just come here by themselves. How did she get here?"

I looked away, knowing I had no answer.


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