Chapter 4

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I woke up and I went with Luke

Cilla couldn't go because she was helping beru with breakfast

Then we got into his machine car

There's a droid on the scanner dead ahead

It might be our little R2 unit, hit the accelerator

Then we saw him

Hey, wow, where do you think your going

Master Luke is your rightful owner now

We'll have no more of this obi wan kenobi gibberish


I was in my room

Then I screamed my water broke

Owen, Beru Elena water broke randy yelled

Then Randy and dad held my hand as I began pushing

Ok sweetheart you gotta push mom said

Come on baby you got this

Then one came out

First one is a boy mom announced

Jonathan I said

Then I kept on pushing

Come on you got this

Then the next one is a girl

Maria I said

Priscilla take the babies and go to shelter house

Sure she said and took them

Then we heard something


I took the babies and we went into a shed

We I saw an explosion

Then I got out of the shed

Then I hid

Then they left

Mom, dad I yelled

Elena, Randy, OJ I yelled




Don't talk to em of your mission either

You're fortunate he doesn't blast you into a million pieces right here

No, it's all right, but I think we'd better go

Then he made a beep

What's wrong with him now?

There are several creatures approaching from the southeast

Sandpeople or worse

Come on, let's go have a look

Come on

Then we went over

Well, there are two banthas down there, but I don't see any

Wait a second

They're sandpeople all right, I can't see one of them now

Then there was a person

Are those sandpeople? I asked

Then I fell backwards

I started to scream

Then a sandperson grabbed me

Let go of me I yelled

Then I went over to Luke then I passed out

Then I woke up to an old man

Rest easy, my dear, you and your friends had a busy day

You guys fortunate to be all in one piece

Ben? Ben Kenobi?

Boy, am I glad to see you

The jumdland wastes are not to be traveled lightly

Then he helped us up

Tell me, young Luke, what brings you out this far? With your friends?

This little droid

I think he's searching for his former master, but I've never seen such devotion in a droid before

He claims to be the property of an obi wan Kenobi

Is he a relative of yours? Do you know who he's talking about?

Obi wan Kenobi?

Obi wan

Now, that's a name I've not heard in a long time

A long time

I think my uncle knows him

He said he was dead I said

Oh, he's not dead

Not yet

You know him?

Well, or course I know him

He's me

I haven't gone by the name of obi wan since, oh, before you were born

Well, then the droid does belong to you

I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid

Very interesting

Then we heard the sandpeople

I think we all better get indoors

The sandpeople are easily startled, but they'll soon be back and in greater numbers

Then we forgot about


Then I got into the machine

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