Speaker Service

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About a week after spending time at the Camera Base, you had a rather polite message from the Speaker Faction asking if you would consider a proposal from them in exchange for some similar services rendered for their faction. They had heard what had happened with both the TV and Camera Factions and had carefully constructed their proposal based off of the things they'd seen the Cameramen fail at and what not to do. Both you and Polycephaly look over the proposal and you find it rather sweet how they've considered your needs already without even being told, they must have gotten hold of a copy of Polycephaly's demanding instructions to the Camera Faction somehow. Going over to their base one day when both you and Polycephaly were free, you were quickly met with some very well mannered but excited units. Letting them pull you along in their excitement to show you what they had done, leaving Polycephaly to follow behind as the group were all chittering in their happiness. Looking at their setup and finding out just how many needed the help and how they would be wanting things to happen, it seemed simple enough and you would get some enjoyment as well as some fun out of their preferred way of doing things. After hashing out things like breaks and attendants, it was agreed you'd start the next day and stay two days, like you had with the Camera units. The one thing that was demanded by Polycephaly was that a Camera unit had to be there recording both days so he could make sure that you weren't harmed in any way during the process, he hadn't had to demand this with the Camera Faction for obvious reasons. One thing that would need to be worn however was some ear protection due to the possibility of the needy Speakers getting loud so you got some earplugs and popped them in when it was time.

Getting Polycephaly to teleport you there on the first day, a little earlier than the appointed start time, gave you chance to see exactly how they were going to be lining up. In the Hangar you were in, the Sound Titan was already lounging around obviously there to watch as music was flowing out of his speakers with others of the Faction who weren't participating all lounging around on and with him. Already you were glad to have the ear plugs in, you could still hear everything but if you didn't have them in you'd be deaf rather quickly especially with what happens next. Looking around there were several groups consisting of five or six naked Speaker units each, all crouched down honking softly while also lightly shoving at each other, seeing you appear, the honking turned excited and much, much louder. As Polycephaly left, he had thoughtfully passed you some painkillers for the inevitable headache from all the noise, even with the ear plugs.

Once you started stripping off, you noticed the intense attention being given off by what seemed to be the first group, all softly pushing and lightly punching at each other again. Then they started crab walking or slightly hopping low to the ground towards you thinking that you wouldn't notice them even while they were starting to chuff at each other. Letting them get a little closer, you then started running after bouncing up from your slightly crouched position which caused the six to start really honking and leaping up to chase after you. After a short time of this you let yourself get caught as you can feel them all pawing at your body, all starting to hum and vibrate as they passed you around until they flip you onto your hands and knees on something soft. One good thing about the Speaker units other than the fact they could vibrate themselves was the fact their rods weren't as small as the Camera units were, you'd be getting at least a little satisfaction out of this even without any silicone covers being involved. They all quieten down as the first one starts pushing themselves into you with you letting out a small soft moan which sets them off chuffing softly at you. Once fully hilted in you he stops to make sure you were ok with it before starting to rock into you as the other five are touching and stroking various parts of you while all vibrated, every little noise you make sets them off even more until the first lets off a honk and falls over onto his side as the next is already pulling you around. Slightly concerned for the first, you then spot the attendants dragging him off to the side, seemingly unconcerned, so this must be normal for them. By the time the second was done you were on the verge of cumming then the third started ramming into you more forcefully then either of the two previous which pushed you over the edge as you started getting louder and he also falls over. The fourth seems to go right back to gentle, it's like they can tell just how much you could take before it got too much for you and they were letting you recover with some being slow and gentle, others being fast and hard but all vibrating at different rates as well. Once the first group were done, the second were already chuffing and circling with their funny little crab walks or hopping like bunnies. Each group you serviced were slightly different in that each group would vibrate differently, touch you in different ways, the pacing would change and differ with each. By the time it was the end of the first day you were tho ro ughly fucked and content unlike how the Camera's had left you.

The second day was much like the first except in the afternoon after the lunch break, there didn't seem to have any groups waiting. What was there was the Sound Titan, lying on his back with some of the smaller units all lying around on him and then one of the groups you had helped out came along and pulled you over to the Titan and between them and a few already on the Titan, you got pulled up to lie on the Titan's face with a few of the smaller units all chuffing at each other cuddling with you right in the middle . Then the vibrations started up underneath you. The smaller Speakers started all honking at each other and petting various parts of you that they could reach as the vibrations kept changing and getting deeper so you felt it all the way to your bones. One energetic Speaker decided he would try running his fingers up your thigh and through your folds which instantly makes you arch your back groaning which sets off more vocalisations from the gathered units and even more petting all over. Between all of these factors had you in a high state of arousal but you started keening for more as it was just teasing you at this point. Hearing a deeper honk coming from the Titan itself after hearing you keen, the rest ramp up the touches and a second even starts running their hands between your legs with the first, one of them pushing fingers up into you while the other is playing with your clit, the two making you buck and cum screaming due to the intensity of it all. That's when the Speakers get you settled in for a proper cuddle pile right there on the Titan's face as you drift off to sleep being held by all these wonderful gentle things. When Polycephaly came to collect you, you were still asleep with a smile on your face as he just shook his head, wrapped you up and took you home... after getting the report and footage from the attendants.

A/N: Next up should be one of the requests i have had. Not sure which one yet.

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