𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐃𝐢𝐞

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Evie, Gia and Erika waited outside their classroom waiting like the others for the bell to ring signalling they could go in. Though while they were currently waiting for the bell and just like the others they had to watch Jake M and Lea practically eat each other's face off.

"I so hate relationships" Evie screwed her face up in disgust at the sight of the couples tounges being forced down each other's throats. "Hey, Evie" Evie didn't even have to look at the boy to know who it was. "Keep moving, Archer. Still not interested" the boy frowned as he walked away.

"Why don't you ever just give it a go? He's been trying to get with you for years" Evie rolled her eyes at Gia's words "he's just interested in the sex, G and I will be scarred to death if I seen his dick" Erika giggled at that as did Gia.

The bell finally rung and the students began to walk to into the class. As usual the three girls waited until everyone had entered before they did. Evie never understood why but she just went along with her two best friends. "It's clear. Go" the three started to walk into the class but took a step back as Riley walked in front of them.

"Okay, now" the three girls finally got into the class "I can't believe we have two months of high school left. KMNBMIASG" Evie groaned at the shorter words. She could never keep up with it.

"Erika, maybe it's time you try Wellbutrin. Give your anxiety a little vacay" Evie hummed in agreement with Gia's words. "What's up with everyone wearing green?" Erika asked as she looked around at everyone "Irish inclusion" Gia replied as she tried to scooch past Jake and Lea who were making out again.

"Can't they ever just give it a rest?" Evie asked before taking her seat beside Gia. "Oh, Gia, did I mention your sweater vest looks really cute" Gia blushed a little as she looked at her vest and back up at Evie "thank you, your hair looks pretty today" Evie smiled in return.

"I wish they could just drone our diplomas so we could skip all this end of high school bullshit. Hard pass on all of it" Gia and Evie gasped "what, even on prom?" Evie noticed Erika looking across the room at Jake C and rolled her eyes with a scoff. "Especially prom, I'm not going" Evie shook her head.

"To say you've crushed my soul with those words would be an understatement" Erika rolled her eyes at her best friend's dramatics. Evie was all about prom. It was the one thing she was looking forward to since she was a freshman. To dress up in a long beautiful dress and be asked by someone you really liked and then to dance and spend the whole night with them. It was a high school dream.


"Come on. Prom is the one thing I wanna do before we graduate. Prom is going to be the best night of my life!" Gia chuckled excitedly. Evie couldn't help but smile at how cute it was. "Have fun! Send pics" Erika said to the girl with a blank face.

"Why do you always have to be such a downer? We have got two months left of high school before we have to leave for college. We should make the most of what we have left and prom being one of those things" Gia pointed at Evie agreeing with every word that left her mouth but again Erika kept a blank face.

"Okay. Okay. Let's just put a pin in that. Move onto something smaller" Erika gave the girl a pointed look as they started to walk again. "What if...crazy idea. You can totally hate it. It's not going to hurt my feeling because I'm a Lexapro...go to a regular party" the smaller girl suggested.

"I totally dig it" Gia beamed at Evie for agreeing now it was just Erika who needed to hop on top with the idea. They slid down the wall and sat on the ground as Gia continued on speaking about a party.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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