Jam fluff

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A/n: Dinner date, suggested by jaxxxify

Toms pov:

Today, I had a date with Jake. I haven't been on a date for a while, so I was pretty nervous.

We had just made up not too long ago and wanted to start things slowly.

I decided to get a forerest green suit and some converse. 'Who the hell wears converse under a suit?' Me, I do.

I had grown more confident over my scars, so that wasn't an issue. Jake even called them beautiful once.

I realized it was 6:30 pm and time to leave.

I get in my car and start driving to pick Jake up. He lives about 10 minutes away. we made a reservation for 7pm.

I arrive at Jake's house, and he's already standing outside. I got out of my car to see he was wearing a navy gray suit and some white Nikes. He looked absolutely beautiful.

"Wow, you look amazing." I say. "Thank you, you look cute too." He says

We smile at each other as we get back in the car and drive to the restaurant.

It was a Chinese restaurant, because we both like Chinese food.

Just 5 minutes beforehand we arrived.

"Reservation for 2." I say

"Yes sir, your name?"

"Tom." I say.

"Alright, follow me."

We get to our seats and sit down.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Just some water, please." I say.

"I would like some wine." Jake says.

"Alright, it'll be there soon." the waiter says.

I look back at Jake. "So, how have things been?" I ask.

"It's been alright. I work at Miriam's bakery most weekends. The rest of the week, I work as a teacher, and I teach history." He says. "Oh nice, you probably know, but I work at the police." I say. "I know, how's your job?" He asks. "It's great, I absolutely love it." I say.

"Here are your drinks, sirs." The waiter says.

"Thank you."

"Would you like some food?"

Jake's pov:

After the waiter leaves, Tom continues talking about his job. I can listen to him for hours.

"Jake, are you even listening?" Tom asks. "Oh, I'm sorry. I zoned out." I say.

"It's all good." Tom smiles at me, making me blush. Oh God, I could kiss him right here, but I stopped myself right there.

After a while, we get our food. "Here's your food, enjoy." The waiter says.

"Thank you, will do." Tom says.

We start eating. "Oh yum, this is good." I say. "It really is, tastes like heaven!" He says.

I could only think about kissing Tom right now, but I held back.

After about an hour, we finished eating. Tom paid and told me I didn't need to pay at all.

"This date was amazing." I say. "I agree." He says, smiling at me.

I didn't hesitate and kissed him.

"Oh, sorry. I really didn't mean to." I say.

"Hey, it's okay!" He kisses me.

"Jake, will you be my boyfriend?" He says.

"Tom, I would love to be your boyfriend."

I decided to stay over at Toms house instead of going to my house.


I love them sm 🫶

- Sander, 534 words.

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