karolill fluff

151 2 4

a/n: 20-year wedding anniversary, they adopt a dog.
Requested by underwateraqua

Karol's pov:

Today, I woke up early. Lill, my wife, and I had been married for 20 years.

I decided to make sure all groceries for the week were done and get her breakfast in bed.

I got back home at about nine. I made her breakfast, made some for myself, and went upstairs.

I open the door to see if she's already awake. "Good morning, love. I got you breakfast. Happy anniversary." I place our breakfast down and kiss her.

"Oh dear, you didn't have to." she says. "I know, but I felt like doing it. Also, the groceries are all done." I say.

"Wow, thank you." She says as I sit down next to her to eat.

Once we finish breakfast, I decide to take the dishes downstairs while she gets ready. I was already wearing some fancy clothes.

After I put the dishes and the rest of the groceries away, Lill comes back.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask.

"I thought maybe we could go to an animal shelter to pick out an animal?"

My eyes lighten up. "Oh yes, we totally should!" I say excitedly."

"Let's go then." I say.

We leave the house and get in the car. I drive us to the shelter.

We arrive not long after and go inside.

"Good morning. How can I help you?" The lady at the desk asks us.

"We would like to adopt a pet." I say.
"Okay, I'll call someone." She says.

After a few minutes, a man walks in. "Hello, how could I help you two." He asks.

"We are here to adopt a pet." Lill says.

"Alright, would you know if you want a cat or a dog." He asks.

"A dog, please." I say, Lill nods in agreement.

"Alright, follow me."

We walk to the dog kennels, and I find a few cute dogs.

After a bit of looking, we decided to adopt a German shepherd called Bob.

"Alright, could you sign these papers, then you're good to go. You can bring him home in a week."

"Okay, thanks." We sign the paper and leave.

"I can't believe we're getting a dog." Lill says. "Me neither." I say, kissing her.

A week later, we brought Bob home. It took him a while to get used to everything, but it's worth it.


Cutee! I hope u like it!!

- Sander, 412 words.

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