Chapter 43. The 'spider-cave'

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(SEASON 7 TOMORROW. OMFG YALL😭 gang shis gonna get real in this chap it might b a little sad😭)

"Wow." You looked around, "this is pretentious" you chuckled.

"This is so cool!" Izuku squealed, freaking out like a fangirl.

You turned around "aunt nem.. is this a cape??" You laughed

"What's wrong with capes?" Izuku asked, making you and nemuri side eye eachother,

"All nights cape is cool!" Izuku tried to defend the cape.

You looked around more until you saw the last suit he wore, looking up to it,

"Your father knew how dangerous the job was, even before becoming a hero, and your the only one who can take his place." She said, picking up a picture frame on one of the desks and looking at the picture of you on his shoulders as a little girl, smiling at it, reminiscing.

"What do you mean, before he was a hero?" You asked, thinking of what she said,

"Well, when he was younger, he didn't wanna go to UA, he didn't want to have to wait to become a hero, so he had this whole, I guess you could call it.. vigilante situation. But the old pro's saw his potential and knew if he didn't go pro, well then he could get in a lot of trouble so they enrolled him in UA late, and that's when everyone found out that the 'mysterious' but friendly Spiderman, was Peter parker." She breifly explained,

"Damn." You smiled, "but.. what about my mom? Wait. You went to school with my dad, was she there too? Did they-" you asked,

"Y/n, I can't answer any questions about your mother, I'm sorry but you know this." She cut you off, and looked at you harshly.

Your eyebrows scrunched, "Why do you always get like that when I ask you about her? Did you fall out or something? I want to know.. I deserve to know." You asked becoming frustrated, not able to control your feelings.

She turned around and sighed, pinching her nose, "I'm so sorry Midoriya." She apologised to him after the scene you two had just made, but when he looked over to you, you were gone.

Well not completely, you turned invisible and went back up the way you came leaving them down there, you felt bad for leaving izuku and for snapping at your aunt but this just wasn't you day. It was annoying that she hid things from you, and you were older enough to know right? It was unfair to you and you felt like a little kid. She didn't understand what it was like for you, being in your situation sometimes. 

They called your name as you continued to go up but you stayed invisible, as you did when you felt sad or angry, just wanting to.. disappear.

Once at the top you ran through the garden and through the house, webbing your hoodie and jacket to you as it poured down outside and ran out. You didn't know where you wanted to go yet but you just wanted to clear your mind.

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