La Libro

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Note: The title may not be grammatically correct. It is inspired by a meme in Hispanic culture.

Outside the flower shop, Ravenna looks left and right in search of her daughter. Aria is nowhere in sight.

F*ck. Her daughter is typically a fast walker.

"Which way did she go?! I know that the bookstore is not that far but I just couldn't remember the direction!" Ravenna sighs and whipped out her phone to quickly look up the GPS. In her other hand she held Aria's book.

Meanwhile, Aria is already a few blocks away from the flower shop.

"Once I return that stupid book, I will get a new one. Preferably, not ridden with cliches," Aria mumbled to herself as she continue her trek.

"Hello! Hello Miss Ravenna! Please stop for a second!" A voice that sounds genderless calls out from behind.

Aria paused. "Huh? Someone is calling my mom's name? Did they think I am her? But she is back at the shop," She turned around to see who it was spoke.

"What the f*ck!!!" Aria screeched in surprise upon the sight of something highly unusual:

A floating white orb.

"Sh*t!" Aria cursed when she tripped over nothingness when she attempted to back away and fell on her behind.

The orb thing floated closer towards her, shaking in excitement.

"Oh my God! It's you! From the looks of it, you are definitely Ravenna Stuart! I am not mistaken!" It exclaims excitedly.

Aria look shocked. "Wait, what the hell are you?! And what do you want with my m-" That orb thing cut her off.

"I am System 0322! And I appear before you Ravenna Stuart, to give you a second chance to fix your past mistakes!"

"Hey, you got the wrong person! And what do you mean by giving a second chance?! My name is not Ravenna, it's Aria! You are mistaking me for my m-" She was again interrupted.

"Your name is not Aria. I don't know why you are against this Miss Ravenna. This is a chance of a lifetime! Maybe you have forgotten your past life! I'm sure that once you return to your original world, the memories will come back to you!"

"Will you shut up and listen to me you creepy a*s orb thing! I am trying to tell you that Ravenna is my m-"

"Stop trying to deny yourself Miss Ravenna!"

"Ravenna is my m-!"

"Preparing world travel!"


Ravenna huffs as she ran down the street, looking around for any sight of her daughter.

A moment later, she spotted a familiar girl who seems to have fallen on the sidewalk a few blocks away.

"Aria!" Ravenna stops running for a second and lets a breath out in relief.

Now feeling calm, she was about to head over when she saw something strange in the air.

What the f*ck is that! Is that a floating ball of light?

My daughter is looking straight at it. Did that thing cause her to fall?

Also, where are all the passersby!

There is no other people around except them.

Ravenna turn back to watching the exchange between her daughter and that weird orb thing. She saw that her daughter seems to be frantically talking to it.

"I need to go to her! Whatever that thing is, it's scaring her!" Ravenna resumes running to get to her precious daughter.

Don't worry my Aria! Mom is coming!

"Did you just say world travel?! Look, I want no part of whatever you are trying to do! You will not take me away from my family!" Aria tries to get up from the sidewalk, but there is some sort of pressure that keeps her firmly in place.

She can't move.


"I am going to send you away now Miss Ravenna! Remember, you should take advantage of this chance to fix all the mistakes you made in your original world! It is very rare to receive God's favor, especially twice!" Said System 0322 happily.

"What world?! I am telling you I am not my m-!"

"Good luck Miss Ravenna!"

Aria felt her body warmed and suddenly emitting a glow. She felt fear and desperately tried to break free from whatever force that held her in place, but it was no use.

"Mom! Help!" Aria cried out, her voice filled with desperation as she reached out towards where Ravenna was running towards her.

"Aria!" Ravenna screamed, desperately reaching for her daughter.

But she was too late.

Her daughter was suddenly gone, and Ravenna only grabbed air.

System 0322 sighs in relief, "Ah finally! My job here is done! Now I can return back to the divine realm and-"

A sound of a rage-filled roar was heard.

Then something was thrown towards the System orb.

"What the-!" System 0322 was cut off when its being was smacked, making it fly towards a nearby pole. Its orb body hit the pole and the System slid down towards the ground.

System 0322 was knocked unconscious by the book Ravenna was meant to give back to her daughter.

Ravenna looks at the fallen system orb expressionlessly, but her eyes....

They are the eyes of a lioness whose cub has been taken away.

This thing caused her daughter to disappear. She will make it pay.

Next Chapter: Elderia

Her Daughter Was Mistaken As The Villainess (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now