Habits Are Hard To Break

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Victor and Keith led her to a huge door.

"Do you recognize this room Ravenna?" Victor asks Aria.

"No..." Aria replied, staring at the door.

" So you really lost your memories? You don't remember the direction to your own room?"

Aria rolled her eyes, "Obviously."

Keith just look at her weirdly.

Victor sighs and pushed the door open. The three entered the room.

"Well, does anything in here jog your memories?" Victor spread his arms wide, gesturing towards the lavishly decorated room. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, and a large four-poster bed dominated the center. Shelves lined with books and trinkets filled one wall. On another wall are shelves filled with dolls stuffed animals. There is a vanity table next to the huge glass window with an array of perfumes and cosmetics.

Aria looks around and cringes at the color scheme.

"Everything is so...pink."

Both boys look confused at her comment.

"Pink is your favorite color Ravenna," Keith stated.

No, that's my mom's favorite color, Aria thought.

"Oh right..." Aria said, trying to mask her discomfort. Suddenly, her stomach rumbled.

"Hey, can I get something to eat?"

"Dinner is not until a couple of hours," said Victor.

"F*ck!" Aria accidentally blurted out, startling the two boys. She is starving right now! "Well, I guess I'll just be in here. Will you come get me when it's time to eat?"

"It seems you don't remember your way to the dining room either," muttered Keith.

"Ravenna, a lady does not curse!" Victor scolded her harshly. He can't wrap his mind how his sister knows how to swear!

Little did he know how colorful Aria's words can be....

"Like I care dude," Again, Aria rolled her eyes.

Yeah, Aria could've acted like some proper lady while faking amnesia, but she can't help herself. Blame her modern teenager mind.

She probably needs to try to break that habit.

From what she remembered from the book, this world is called Elderia. She can guess that her mom was the character Ravenna Rosehart, the villainess. Her mom was somehow granted a new life on Earth after her death, which Aria thinks she deserved because the people here treated her horribly. In her eyes, her mom's execution is not justified because she thinks that pick me girl Saintess Elarie or whatever is not as innocent as she was portrayed.

Why should she follow the rules of the world where the people did her mom wrong?

Victor's face hardened, and he exchanged a wary glance with Keith. "Fine, but stay here. We'll have a maid bring you something to eat," he said, clearly frustrated. He doesn't want to deal with her act during dinner. He'll just tell father about her crass behavior.

As they left the room, Aria plopped onto the overstuffed pink bed, letting out an exasperated sigh. She glanced around the room, her eyes lingering on the bookshelves. Maybe she could find something useful, like information about this world.

Aria stood and walked over to the shelves, scanning the titles. Most of the books were about etiquette, history, and magic. She pulled out a particularly old, leather-bound book titled "The History of Elderia." Flipping through the pages, she hoped to find something that could help her understand this world better.

An hour later, Aria had barely scratched the surface. The book was dense, full of names and dates that blurred together. But one thing stood out: a section about Saintesses. According to the text, the Saintess was revered, almost worshipped, for their purity and goodness. Aria scoffed. If this world's history was anything like her mom's experience, then there were likely many layers of truth hidden beneath the polished surface.

Just then, there was a soft knock on the door. Before she could answer, the door creaked open and a young maid entered, carrying a tray of food. The aroma of roasted meat and fresh bread made Aria's mouth water.

"Miss Ravenna, I've brought you food," the maid said, setting the tray down on the vanity.

"Thanks," Aria replied, already digging in. She paused, swallowing a mouthful of bread. "Hey, what's your name?"

The maid looked surprised. "I'm Eliza, miss."

"Nice to meet you, Eliza," Aria said between bites. "Do you mind telling me a bit about this place? I seem to still struggle with my memory."

Eliza hesitated but nodded. "Of course, miss. This is the Rosehart estate, your family's ancestral home. Your father is the Duke, and your brother Victor is next in line. Keith is your second brother. Your mother...she passed away years ago."

Aria nodded, smiling forcefully. "I see. Thank you, Eliza."

The maid curtsied and left the room, leaving Aria alone with her thoughts. She had a lot to figure out, and not much time to do it. But one thing was clear: if she was going to survive in this world where her mother originally came from, she needed to play the game smartly.

She needed to plan and figure out how to navigate this world without letting anyone know who she truly was.

Her Daughter Was Mistaken As The Villainess (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now