(A/N), trigger warnings, and more

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Hello everyone. Thank you for clicking on this fanfic. It's my first fanfic on Wattpad so yeah. I would like to mention that I will try to update often as I can but I'm a very busy person. But any ways let's get into the trigger warning. This story is also on ao3

⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️
This fanfic contains:
Attempting suicide and suicidal thoughts
Child neglecting
Eating disorder
Stalker situations
Heavy language
Drug abuse
Underage drinking
And obsession over someones life

If any of this things trigger you I would read something different.

Spoilers for the Just Dance: Enter the Dance Verse and Just Dance: Dance with the Swan (Or whatever those titles are called)

This is a fanfic so all characters belong to Just Dance. The only on that belongs to me is Jackie Rose (the main character)

Non of the art work in this is mine unless I specifically say if an art piece is mine. All pieces go to their respective owners

Here's the playlist for all those people (who are like me) who like to listen to music while reading.


Thank you guys for clicking on this fanfic. Happy reading

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