Chapter 1

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I just thought this song would go with her mental state right now.

(Jackie's Pov)

"JAAAAACK!!!" I shout as I walk into his dressing room, hoping he wasn't changing. Thank goodness he's not. He was just sitting in front of his mirror, looking pretty damn sad. I mean fair. Our lives suck. I'm neglected and he gets abused. Fucking love our mom (I hate her with all my heart <3)

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Jack in a sarcastic tone "Oh dear sister how I missed you." He then rolled his eyes "What the hell do you want?" He sounded extremely annoyed by my presence.

He doesn't think I'm annoying, does he?

I just brushed it off and faked a smile, which he could tell it was fake. He sighed and turned to face me. "What's wrong?" My fucking existence. "Nothing." "Bullshit." He opens his arms for a hug. Usually I love his hugs but I don't want to fuck things up for him. Especially since he has the biggest concert he's ever had tonight. And I just know if mother comes in as we're hugging, she'll make Jack's life 10x worse then it already is. You know the saying 'blood runs thicker than water'? Yeah that's bullshit. In our family, blood simply doesn't cut it. We lost our brother, Cygnus, because he was too stiff with dancing. I don't matter to our mom and Jack gets hurt every time he makes a mistake.

"Yep somethings up" Jack replied as he walked over to me. He pulled me into a hug and I flinched. I was scared for him. If mother saw him he would get hurt and I would get thrown out for hours until Jack could save me. "I'm fine Jack, really." I tried to push away but he hugged me even tired. "No your not. Tell me what's wrong," He started stroking my hair and humming my favorite song. Sometimes he felt more like a parent and not a brother.

"Jack, please let me go. You know how mom would react if-" Just then like magic mother walked into the room. Or if she even deserved the title. She's a monster. Some parents don't deserve kids and she's one of them. We don't have a father because he left when I was born. Or at least that's what Jack tells me. I pulled away as soon as I saw her. Fuck fuck fuck. "JACK!!!" I heard her loud, smooth voice. It sounded like a fucking swan gliding on water. I covered my ear quickly and backed up, with tears flooding out of my eyes. I know I'm 17 but I'm so terrified at mother. "M-mom I was just-"


I flinched. YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! She smacked him. I look at him to see a red hand print on his face. He looked like he was about cry but he didn't. I guess he knew I was crying and was trying to act tough for me. "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU!?" She gripped his arm, her nails digging into his skin. I wish I could help but I'm over in the corner, crying like a weak little baby. "Never let anyone distract me while getting ready for a show" I saw a tear fall out of his eye. I was so pissed. She has no right to hit her own son! So I got up and walked over to her. "What are you doing distracting him Jackie!?" I froze in my track. She knows my name? "M-mom? You know me?" A huge silly grin formed on my face. "Yes now leave!" I looked at her, then at Jack, then back at her.

"No. I don't want to" My biggest mistake. She grabbed my hair and started to pull me away. To say I was scared would be an understatement. I was terrified. "WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO DISRESPECT ME!? I AM YOUR MOTHER!!!" She then came to a door. She opened it and I could see stairs. I started to panic "I'm sorry mom. I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm-" She scratch my eye out "AHHH!" What the hell!?! "Maybe this will teach you some respect!" She threw me down the stairs. I heard cracks coming from my body and I felt so much pain. "I'll let you out once you've learned your lesson." I heard a click and knew the door was locked. I just layed there in a puddle of my own blood. I thought I was going to die. I'm so sick of 17. Weres my fucking teenage dream?

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