Chapter 2

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I'm gonna be honest I kinda put a little how I've been feeling in this chapter.

(Jackie's POV)

I've been in the basement for God knows how long. My body hurt. My back feels broken, my head is pounding, and my ankle is twisted. I reached my hand up to my eye that mother scratched 'out' and found it was still there (Thank god). Though there was a shit ton of blood on it.

I hate mother so much. Not hate. Loathe. I want her limbs to be torn off slowly and painfully while she roasts over a fire. I hope her limbs get baked into a cake and sent to me, Jack, and Cygnus only for us to throw it out. I hope her organs get sewn into teddy bears and sold to disgusting people. I hope-

"JACKIE!" Jacks voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I look over towards to stairs (Painted red from my blood. Great) Soon I see a pair of gold and black shoes running down the stairs. My eyes felt heavy. I felt my eyelids closing. "No! Don't close your eyes!" I heard my panicked brother shout at me. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't. I closed my eyes a drifted to sleep.

-Time skip brought to you guys by the authors (Me) low motivation to do shit-

   I slowly opened my eyes to see... Jacks room? Why am I here? Oh right. Mother.  I was thrown down stairs to the basement. I tried to sit up but my back was hurting like hell. "Agh fuck..." I tried to sit up again and was successful but in a shit ton of pain.

    "Jackie?" I looked over to the voice and saw Jack. He walks inside and sits down next to the bed. "How you feeling?" His snow White hands feel my forehead. "As well as one can be when they were thrown down stairs" I replied sarcastically. Jack just scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I see your still your sarcastic bitch self" he grinned and jabbed my side. "Hey!" I laughed and jabbed him back. He laughed a little and rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry you couldn't see my show, I know I've should've done something but-" I cut him off saying, "Don't blame yourself for mom being a bitch." He sighed and hugged me, making sure he was hurting my back. I hugged him back and just broke down crying.

   Why am I crying!? I should be happy and not worry Jack. God I'm such a selfish sister.

(Jack's POV)

    My heart broke hearing my sister cry. She's always has have it rough. Being the neglected child, her needs were always ignored. I learned how to be a parent at the age of 10. I fed her, got most of her clothes, I fought my mom to get her a room, I was pretty much her dad at this point. It's honestly so fucking sick that mom is neglecting her. And because everyone in the dance-verse hated her no one wanted to be associated with us. We have no friends, no lovers (our mother would kill us), and no father. He left us when Jackie was 4. It's been so long that I've forgotten how he looks. Well I do I just choose not to remember.

   I softly stroked her hair and started to hum. She seemed to be calming down. Good. Her mascara did stain my favorite shirt but it's fine. She must be going through so much pain right now. I wish someone could care about us and not be scared. I heard soft snores coming from my sister. She fell asleep. Again. Sweet dreams sis. I picked her up, layed her in her bed, covered her with her blankets, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. As I was walking out of her room, something caught my eye. I noticed a box cutter in her room. I was confused. She never had order anything. Then it hit me.

   She's been cutting herself...

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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