Chapter 44. Apologies.

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That night you and Miles talked the entire night

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That night you and Miles talked the entire night. You learnt everything about him. Especially that he didn't want to be a hero anymore. He was definitely flirty and liked to compliment you too, not that you didn't flirt back I mean, Miles Morales is beautiful.

Once you checked the time again after hours, it showed the time was almost 5am. And you decided to go back home, I mean the amount of messages you got were crazy. Mina making up atleast half of them.

Just then you got a 10th call from shinso. Why would he call you now- ohhh wait he's an insomniac.

Seems like miles thought the same thing as he asked, "Who the fuck is calling you at 4:47 mã?" I forgot to mention, he liked to call you 'ma' and it was definitely attractive.

"One of my friends.." you laughed it off,

"You gonna answer that mã?" He smirked,

"I'll answer it later. But I should probably go now." You said, looking down at your hands,

"Where you wanna go? I'll take you." He looked  to you,

"I'm just gonna walk home."

It took you a while to walk back to the main city, where you decided to just swing your way back and of course the closer you got, you get stopped in your tracks by hawks, was he going to do this everytime he saw you.

"Woooow" he laughed as he spoke "you are quite the trouble maker Parker."  You sighed, feeling nervous around him.

"I- I just want to go home Hawks." You looked at him, he wiped some blood off of your face that had smeared due to the light rain, he then looked at your blood on his thumb,

"What's this Parker?" He looked as if he were analysing your face, "tell me what happened." His eyebrows scrunched.

"I had a fight with a friend okay? Can I go now?"

"C'mere I'll fly you back." He smirked, literally taking you under his wing.

He knocked on your door, which was frantically opened seconds later by midnight,
"Y/n!" She pulled you into a hug, "you can't just go and leave like that." She then took a relieved inhale, and then exhaled looking at keigo, "thank you for bringing her back Hawks."

He smirked at you and then at her, "anytime midnight, lookin good by the way." He winked at her before flapping his giant wings and flying off.

That wasn't weird at all.. (this boy gettin rizzyyyyyyy😈😈😈)

"Y/n, I'm sorry about earlier, I don't mean to get weird when you ask about your mother but it's a ..complicated topic." She said,

"It's okay aunt nem I don't wanna know, just tell me another day." You half smiled at her and she nodded, deciding not to carry it on any further.

And then her face dropped again, "Did you get into a fight? Y/n Parker you come back at 5am for me to find you with cuts and bruises!" She took you to the kitchen to clean you up but you protested,

"No aunt nem I'm okay, you should she the other guy." You laughed and she raised her brow, "no but really I'm okay, they won't take long to heal."

She sighed and pinched her nose, "you're going to be the death of me." She walked toward the living room, (I love you nem pls don't die, I'm scared to write that one episode guys)

"While you were out, doing god knows what, I fixed up your new suit a little." She picked up a black and white suit, you gasped upon seeing it.

"NEW SUIT?" You shouted, feeling excited and all of a sudden hyper.

"Calm down y/n."


She handed it to you, "and there's also something else, a stealth suit, your father had one too it's all black and it's in a suitcase he left for you. I put it in your room, but when in the stealth suit you can't ever let anyone know that it's you."

You nodded, "aunt nem I-" being cut off by her as you were about to apologise again.

"Shhhhhh! Go try the suit on!" She told you.

"OKAY!" You shouted enthusiastically,

"Y/n quiet!" She whisper shouted.

"SORRY!" Now hawks wouldn't catch you, in fact nobody would.


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