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"You made it!" The boy hollered with delight, lightly jogging towards the girl with a grin that could only be described as devilishly charming.

By the time he fully approached the girl, he was awestruck by how gorgeous she looked. He knew she was beautiful, but this was another level beyond his wildest dreams and imagination.

If only the moon could compare to the beauty that blessed the earth by walking its grounds on this lovely evening. The stars were lucky enough to stare at and admire her for all she was worth. The sun had gotten to see the daylight's worth of her beauty, which didn't equate to the same level as it did during dusk and late night.

"Hi," the girl managed to squeak out before bursting into a fit of awkward and uncomfortable giggles.

"Hello Princessa," the boy smiled, looming over the girl with a welcoming presence that made the girl's heartbeat rapidly in her chest, desperate to escape its prison.

"I need a drink! What do you recommend?" Amber yelled as the two walked into the club.

"I'll get you something good, don't worry," the boy said before slipping away presumably to get her and himself a drink.

Taking in the flashing fuchsia lights and the loud unintelligible music, Amber let out a sigh with a smile. The nostalgic feeling of the club soothed any anxieties that had previously bubbled up deep inside the girl's chest, spreading through her body greedily trying to take over. Amber was daring, but this was a new level of adventure she wasn't sure she had prepared for to the best of her ability.

The boy came back with some sort of traditional cocktail that tasted like a mix of citrus fruits and something bitter and strong. It caused a burning sensation going down that was sure to be even worse if it were to ever come back up the way it came.

"This is awful," the girl shouted, finishing the rest of the drink with a holler

The boy merely shrugged before taking the girl to the dance floor for a fun time. He was a big dancer, and he loved to send flirtatious winks and dip a girl in the middle of a dance and bring her back close but not close enough to kiss, but close enough to feel like that would be a possibility.

"Wow this is crazy" the girl shouted over the music watching people get very close and way too personal for comfort

The boys hands traveled to her waist "Hey I never caught your name" she realised as she got pulled back closer to the boy who's back she was up against

He leaned down and whispered in her ear "Pietro but you can call me yours anytime princessa"

The heat quickly spread from her cheeks to her entire face and her body was responding in ways she had never felt before.

"I'd worship the ground you walk on if you'll let me" he whispered to which the girl accidently fell back pressing right into the boy

"Do that again" he begged into her ear and the girl obliged happily

She wasn't sure what was taking over the atmosphere or whatever she drank but her confidence was through the roof and her hands traveled to Pietros neck as she stretched against him pulling him closer in such a tight space environment he was forced to place his hands on her hips for stability to stand upwards.

"Is this okay?" he managed to ask

"Yeah more than okay" Amber spoke up singing along to the song she couldn't even comprehend

"Do you wanna head back to my place?" The girl asked

"Why don't we head to mine its much closer!" The boy shouted as a suggestion and the girl eagerly nodded

𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 (𝘗. 𝘔𝘢𝘹𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘧𝘧)Where stories live. Discover now