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Lips locked the two managed to find their way into a small apartment bedroom. It wasn't much visually, but that didn't seem to matter. Their lips stayed connected as one mattered more between the drunken giggles and needy grabs.

Pietro, in turn, gently lay the girl on his bed, checking with each step that she was sober enough to make cognitive choices. The girl was only buzzed from what he could tell, and she had said yes to everything she was comfortable with, and anything she said no to Pietro respected and asked what would make her the most comfortable.

His hands roamed down her body, making sure to feel every little detail as though he'd never get the opportunity to feel them ever again. He was a potter, and she was his clay molding to his touch. He practically sculpted her into perfection as she took a deep breath to manage how good everything was and how desperate she was for more.

"More of you in contact with more of me, please," she managed to whisper out, holding back any noises that gave away just how she was truly feeling

"Anything for you, Princessa." He spoke hoarsely as he dipped his head down, pressing gentle kisses on the exposed skin and collarbone that the girl had so graciously provided to him

With each kiss, Amber's body reacted further and further. His hands traveled behind her lower and upper back, pulling the girl into an arch so his kisses could be pressed deeper into her skin. As if the stars were expanding in the night's marvelous sky.

His hands traveled from her back to her sides. "Can I take this off?" he asked his thick accent, making it slightly hard to understand.

"Yes, please," the girls eyes fluttered closed with delight as she felt the thin straps of her crystal blue dress slip down her shoulders and down her arms.

The dress made its way down the curves of her body being pulled down so slowly and gently it created a thick tension in the air. By the time the dress had made its way to the floor, Amber felt extremely needy.

"I think it's only fair if you get to see almost all of me. I get the same treatment," Amber spoke out with a sly grin, pulling her body up from the bed now inches away from Pietro. The buttons of his shirt slowly undoing themselves, and eventually, his shirt slid down his body and onto the bedroom floor.

Her hands traveled down to his pants quickly unbuttoned and pulling down the zipper, she watched as he shimmered down the black trousers in a way that caused such excitement the butterflies in her stomach practically were bursting out to fly away. His trousers were no discarded next to the rest of the clothes on the floor.

He brought his knee between her thighs hovering over her. Taking in everything for the first time that night and his heart was pounding in his chest. Amber looked so seductive and beautiful all at once. Before he could even realize he was flipped to his back the very girl now on top of Pietro smiling at the sensation of feeling him grow right underneath her. The only thing separating the two was thin fabric that didn't leave anything up to the imagination.

"I didn't think you had this in you" Pietro spoke breathlessly as Ambers hips began to grind into his own 

"I have a lot more hidden baby don't even sweat it" she spoke as she lowered herself next to his ear 

His head instinctively threw back and his eyes sealed shut. Taking in the moment to capture it forever. The girls' hands pushed against his chest as she got up slowly moving her hips as a way to tease him. This teasing was driving Pietro insane, he couldn't take the slow pacing. He grabbed her hands placing them above her head as he flipped them over pushing them into the soft pillows. 

"Can I?" He asks his eyes flickering to her underwear 

The girl nods her head, but he shakes his head "I need a verbal yes for this Princessa" Ambers eyes widen as she smiles to herself 

"Yes please" she sputters as she feels the very fabric being ripped off of her followed by Pietro's 

"Do you want to do this?" he asks softly waiting for a yes

She goes to nod again but stops herself "Yes I do, now please no more teasing" 

With that the moonlight watched as the pair's bodies danced the night away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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