Gabellie angst

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(A/n: Requested by massivelegonerd69. Gabby breaks up with Ellie because of how much ellie lied and chose money over her. after they broke up ellie realized there was no point to achieve her dream in fashion school so she gets drunk in the bar she works at, but Gabby and Tom + some other contestants celebrate their break up there and see ellie there.. )

Gabby's pov:

"Ellie, there's something I have to say." I say to her. "What's up, Gabs?" She says. "I think we should break up." I say. "What? What do you mean?" She says.

"You know.. You lied to me multiple times, and even if you're 'sorry', I feel like breaking up is the best thing." I say. "Not to mention you also chose a million dollars before me, your own girlfriend."

"I'm leaving." She says. "I'm going to work."

I look at her. "Bye." I say.

She leaves, and I immediately call Tom. He picked up. "Hey, Gabs, what's up?"
"Hey Tom, can you come over?" I ask.
"Yeah, of course, I'm on my way right now."

After 5 minutes Tom arrives.

"Hey Gabs, what happened?"
"I broke up with Ellie." I cry.
"I'm so sorry, girl. Im here for you. Why did you break up with her?"
"Because of all the lies she told. Also, because she chose money over me."I say.
"Oh Gabby, I'm proud of you. Let's celebrate to cheer you up. I found this cool bar, we can invite some friends." He says. I love Tom, he's my best friend.

"Who do we invite?"
"How about Aiden, Tess, Lake, Jake, and James?"

"Sure, let's do that." I say.

Time skip to when they are at the bar.

"Hey Gabby, sorry about the break up. I hope you're okay." Tess says. "Thanks, Tess, I'm okay."

We start partying.

Ellie's pov:

So I'm at my job. I work at this bar. To be honest, I gave up my dream of fashion school and becoming a fashion designer. I just want Gabby back.

I start taking a few shots, just to clear up my mind. My co-worker Alec is next to me. He looks like he's worried for me. "Ellie, what are you doing?" He says. "I'm just taking some shots. I feel like shit right now, okay?" I say. "Jesus, what happened, girl?" He says. "Gabby broke up with me."

"I'm so sorry. Why would she do that?" He asks. "Because I lied to her and chose a million over her." I say. "Oh, I'm sorry. I hope you're okay."

"I don't know, I've been taking shots, and I think they're working." I say as I take another shot.

Suddenly, I noticed Gabby being there.  She's with some of her friends and ex contestants. "Oh great, she's here." I say, maybe a bit too loud. I see Tom looking my way, I think he's found out I'm here. "Wait, is that Tom?" Alec says. "What do you think, Alec." I say.

"Oh fuck." I say. "She's walking towards us."
"It will be fine. Also, you're drunk ass fuck Ellie! Do you think she would want to see you like this?"

"Fuck off Alec." I say, I can't think straight, cause as Alec said I'm drunk.

"Hi, I would like -" Gabby looks at me. "Oh."
I sit on the floor, drunk crying.

"Anyways, could I get 5 cocktails and 2 cokes?" she asks.

"Sure." Alec says.

She gets the drinks and leaves. I'm still there, crying.

Gabbys pov:

I get everyone drinks when I see Ellie out of all people is a bartender at the bar we're at.

I get the drinks and leave as fast as I can to find the others.

"Guys. I saw Ellie, and she looks bad." A part of me tells me to let go, and another tells me to go check up on her.

"I don't think she's taking it well." I say.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Calm down. Would you want to check up on her?" Tom asks. I nod. "But let's go together." I say.

"Fine, you guys will be okay?" I ask. "Yeah, we'll be fine." Aiden says.

Tom and I go check-up on Ellie. Alec is busy with orders. "We're taking care of her." Tom says to Alec, he nods.

"Ellie, are you okay?" Tom asks.
"Huh, uhm, I'm okay. Trust me." She says. A few hiccups leave her mouth.

"Ellie.. I'm so sorry.." I say, my eyes watering.

"Gabby, It's okay. It's not your fault." Ellie says. She doesn't sound like her usual self. "Ellie, I'm sorry." I say. There's tears in my eyes.

"It's okay, Gabs. I promise." She says. Tom made sure she got some water. I hug her. She hugs me back.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Ellie." I say again. "Hey, it's okay. I'm good now." She says repeatedly, comforting me.

I kissed her, but not too long after I realized what I did."Oh, sorry." I say. "It's fine." She says as she kisses me again. "Would you want to be my girlfriend again? If not, that's okay, I at least hope we're on good terms." I say. "Yes, I would, Gabby." She kisses me again.

"I see you guys are okay again?" Tom says, coming back with another glass of water.

"We are. Thanks, Tom." I say, hugging him.

I ended it with fluff :)

Hope you like it!! Im writing Jakden tomorrow!

- Sander, 910 words.

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