Chapter Three: National Park

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Shira had called her dad through her phone and told him what happened to the Valley View Christians' bus. That made Mr. Hunter to bring his black tow truck and towed the small bus. Shira, on the other hand, had treated everyone to cool water bottles and started leading them through the nature trails.
Many of the kids were admiring the beauty of the forest. But Shira made sure no one was left behind and made sure they stayed on the forest trail without wandering from the trail.
But it didn't take long for Shira to led the Christian group out of the forest and on the top of a grassy that shows the National Park community. There's town within a green valley surrounded by equally as green mountains. There's a wide, stony road that ran the length of the valley. There's some buildings lining both sides of the road. The architecture was a hodgepodge of design, from Spanish stucco to Western facades to traditional brick. There's also a trio of schools, from children to young adults. There's a pair of churches, the elegant coppery-colored one for the gatherings of the community and the yellow-white one being used as a religious school. But many of the houses and buildings have been roughly destroyed by the flash floods during the thunderstorm.
"Oh my goodness," whispered Joy, horrified at the sight of the destruction.
Ellie was stunned by the sudden sight of the partially destroyed town. "Oh no."
Jia gasped at the sight of the destroyed town. "How could this happen?"
Chris felt a wave of sympathy washed over him as he gazed at the destroyed town and most of the townspeople seemed to be living in one of the churches. "Is the town going to be rebuilt?"
"Yup." The four kids jumped in place when they suddenly heard Shira's voice that came next to Chris.
Shira eyed them warily before she gets started on her explanation of the town. "That flash flood had caused a good deal of damage to the town. It'll take us months to fix the damage in the town." Her expression soon became worried for some reason. "And the folks who had lost their homes are taking shelter in one of the churches."
At that, Shira and Professor Aaron both led everyone from the hill into the town. She showed most of the damage buildings, many of the destroyed houses, and torn up plants.
It wasn't long till she was drawn into a conversation with Chris, Joy, Ellie, and Jia about school and the respective towns they each lived in together as well as their likes and dislikes or their similarities and differences. But Shira clammed up when they started speaking about the Christian Church, for she knew that she's one of the Catholics amongst the Christians.
"Hey Shira." She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at a concerned Chris, she also noticed the others went inside. "Are you okay?"
"I-I'm fine," said Shira quietly and looked away from him.
"Are you sure?" Chris looked at her in concern. "I mean, I don't want to prod you or anything."
Shira looked at him quiet thoughtfulness and felt her guard being lowered for him. She looked around them and lowered her voice to him as she spoke. "I'm a Catholic amigo."
"A Catholic?" Chris replied, looking curious and confused. "Isn't that a religion similar to Christian?"
Shira smiled softly at him. "You're not wrong. But even our religions has its differences."
"Really?" Chris looked at her curiously. "Can you tell me?"
"Sure." Shira nodded with a smile. "After a baby has been born and one of the parents is a Catholic, that means the priest of the church must baptize the baby and that baby is sworn to be loyal to both God and Jesus."
"But babies can't breathe underwater very long," said Joy, worried and confused.
"You're right." She smiled at her new friend. "But the way baptism works with Catholics is for the priest to gather the Holy Water and make the sign of the Cross on the baby to seal their loyalty to both God and Jesus as well as it wash away any sins we might make in the future." Shira's eyes became shadowed with sadness and regret. "I am aware of my sins, which make it my full duty and responsibility to fix those situations."
Chris placed a hand on her uninjured shoulder. "I know you will do the right thing."
"Thanks Chris." Shira smiled at Chris. "Though, something tells me that I have finally paid my dues for my past actions." The five of them glanced at her sling on her left arm.
"Are you going to be okay?" Ellie asked Shira.
Shira nodded. "I'll be fine." She picked up the pace, looking excited and hopeful. "Today, I'll finally have this sling off. I can finally help my home turf."
Pastor Aaron soon led them to the church that was being used an inn for the townsfolk who had lost their homes by the flash flood. The church was a true piece of art. It was in the color of light gold and highlighted in white. It also has stained windows, much like the church that Chris's Grandpa had used to go to.
But when they entered the auditorium, many of the kids (except a concerned Pastor Aaron and a solemn Shira) were horrified and worried about the sight in front of them. The huge room was filled with hundreds of people. The sunlight cast shadows on men, women, and children. Everyone looked extremely weary and shellshocked. Many of their clothes and shoes were both torn and wet.
"So many people," whispered Joy.
Shira let out a weary sigh. "I did say that stupid flood had flushed out a huge number of homes last week."
"Have you been help them Shira?" Ellie asked her.
Shira nodded. "Sí. I've been coming here every free minute to help them." She eyed her sling wearily. "And me and my friends could use all the help we could get."
After Shira's explanation, everyone started helping the victims of the flash flood. Chris helped treat the injured people with Pastor Aaron. Joy started checking on the frightened children and told them biblical stories. Ellie started giving food to the hungry people. Lastly, Jia passed out some new and dry clothes to the people who lost their homes. Everyone else helped the townspeople from words of hope and encouragement to giving things that they needed and that has been lost during the flash flood.

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