Chapter 45. Intensive training. Again.

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Ate up

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On Sunday, you messaged everyone back and had to FaceTime a few people to reassure them. You owed the BIGGEST apology to izuku, you felt horrible for leaving him there and blamed yourself for acting stupid.

You even noticed a new message on your phone, from miles.

Lmk you got home safe ma

You smiled and rolled your eyes,

I got home fine
Did you?

Don't worry about me😉

He replied quick. That was good.

Aunt nem had patrol today so for the whole of Sunday, you went to see uncle sho, who scolded you about walking out of the house and for getting into fights, but you didn't care, he still pulled you into a tight hug with his bandages and ruffled your hair.

While at shota's, after a while shinso arrived to train with him as aizawa wanted him in 1A instead of general studies. Shinso seemed to be super happy to see you, and you trained with them for a while as your webs weren't too different from their scarfs.

On Monday you left your home early, aunt nem was still out doing hero duties and knew that you'd be gone by the time she got back. Everyone were to meet at Gym Gamma in their hero suits.

You decided to web sling your way to school, you know it could get you in trouble as you didn't have a license yet but it was too fun, it's not like anyone ..other than hawks, would catch you anyway.

Mid air you got a buzz from one of the pockets on your suit, you couldn't see the pockets and you put your phone in them and nobody would be able to see. It was from miles, asking about your day, and you sent him a selfie in the air of your suit while falling from a building. Safe to say it was probably the coolest snap anyone had sent him.

You then put your phone back in the pocket and webbed yourself back up to a higher building until you were almost there.

When you got to the gym you decided to make an appearance. (like the baddie you rrrrrrr)

You quickly turned yourself invisible and slightly opened the doors to walk in unnoticed, you then invisibly crawled up to the roof and began to lower yourself on a web, making yourself visible as you were now upside down, infront of you was all might "boo" you said behind him, he jumped and you laughed.

You quickly turned yourself invisible and slightly opened the doors to walk in unnoticed, you then invisibly crawled up to the roof and began to lower yourself on a web, making yourself visible as you were now upside down, infront of you was all m...

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"Y/N!" Mina screamed and pulled you down to hug her.

"Missed you too." You whispered as she hugged you tightly. 

"What if you got kidnapped AGAIN? Bitch you scared me this weekend!" She said,

"I know you told me on call yesterday 1000 times.." you said carefully,

"AND IM TELLING YOU AGAIN YOU SCARED THE WHOLE OF US! I love the new suit though omg! Super sexy, kinda mysterious, and DEFINITELY compliments you girl get ittttt!"

You smiled and gave her a 360 catching everyone's attention.

"Y/n I dig your new suit! You look amazing!" Kiri shouted,

"Y/n I fall more in love with you everyday😔🙏" denki groaned, and playfully you blew him a kiss, which he tried to catch and ended up tripping on his own feet.

"Heyyy y/n we're not matching colours anymore." Ochako jokingly faked a frown

"Sorryyyy" you emphasised,

"Y/N LOOK AT MY POWER BOOST! MY SUITS BETTER!" Kaminari shouted to steal your attention away from 'chako.

After a while vlad king pushed open the doors, "that's enough class A! Class B is scheduled to use this room every afternoon!" He grumbled.

"Eraser get your kids out of our way!" He tried to demand,

"Your not trying to kick us out early when we have 10 whole minutes left are you?" Aizawa complained,

"Hey did you hear? The license exam has a 50% pass rate, that means your entire class might fail!" Monoma shouted as if he's the main character. This guy reminds me of the joker😖😖👎👎

Everyone just trash talked as he continued to laugh by himself.

"Hey sero you taped him up like one of my webs!" You said, referring to the teacher sero had taped up during training,

"What can I say hermosa? You inspire me." He winked, and then asked, "hey how are you feeling about going against all the other schools? I didn't know that was the case until now."

"I dunno, I'm kinda excited" you smirked

Hours after the intensive training all girls were at in the common room in their pyjamas,

"Does it have to be this hard?" Mina groaned as she rested her head on your shoulder,

"We'll it's not called intensive training for nothing!" Toru joked,

"That's true, but it's strange to think that there's only a week left before the exam." Momo added, sounding a little paranoid.

Your phone buzzed in your joggers and you already had a feeling it was from miles, he saved your snap in chat and sent heart eyes, making you smile, and a second later he sent you a snap back smiling.

He had a really nice smile, "what are you so distracted by y/n?" Tsu asked, snapping you out of your little trance, sending him a quick smiling back picture as all the girls began to question you.

Mina shot up off your shoulder and looked at you.

"She's blushingggggg!!!!" She squealed

"No I'm not!" You defended.

"I am curious y/n, a lot of the guys here like you, but who would you choose?" Ochako asked,

"W- WHAT?" You asked laughing,

"I mean do you remember her and todoroki at the sports festival?" Toru asked, making Mina and ochako do a cringey re enactment of your flirty fight.

"Y/n your the only girl bakugo let's call him katsuki!" Mina shouted right next to you,

"I can tell Kaminari and sero aren't joking about the way they act around you." Jirou added,

"Or the way Midoriya blushes when you talk to him!" Momo stated,


"Not to mention you and shinso, he basically hates everyone but you." Said tsu

"Ochako you hang out with iida and izuku all the time who would you choose?" You asked,


WEB HEAD!! MHA various x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now