Chapter 5

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A crowd filled the town square that next afternoon as Mayor Tran took his place behind the microphone. Behind him on the makeshift stage stood the deputy mayor and Claire's dad. Claire watched from the sidelines next to the officers that were placed by the stage for security purposes.

Mayor Tran adjusted his cufflinks, then cleared his throat. "Citizens of Clarke Creek. Thank you for joining us this afternoon. I know many of you have questions, and I promise that the answers will come in due time. In response to the recent tragedy that has struck out town, I have invited Sheriff Simon Padgette here today to address your concerns. Sheriff?"

The mayor stepped aside, allowing Claire's dad to take his place. He placed his notebook on the podium and let out a breath before beginning.

"Uh, thank you, Mayor. Many of you have heard about the untimely incident of the two bodies recovered from the woods last night. According to the evidence that we have recovered so far, we have come to the conclusion of this being an isolated animal attack. Unfortunately, the identities of the victims were found to be two of our recent missing persons, whose names will not be released until we have properly contacted the families."

The row of reporters in the front began asking questions, but Claire's dad ignored them. "In response to the other disappearances that we have experienced recently, the sheriff's department is allocating all available resources to recovering these individuals. Until then, we encourage citizens of Cotters' County and specifically Clarke Creek to stay indoors after sundown to reduce the likelihood of another attack or the potential of getting lost. For now, sleep tight and stay safe. Thank you."

Just as he began walking away, Claire darted up the podium before the mayor could return to his spot. She grabbed the microphone.

"I was out there the other night, in the woods," she announced, her voice echoing across the square. The crowd erupted into concerned murmurs, but Claire continued. "I saw something! It was hard to see because it was dark, but it was big and it–it attacked me. It sounds crazy, but I know what I saw–"

Her dad grabbed Claire around the waist and dragged her off the stage. The crowd's murmurs grew louder. He didn't let go until he was off the last step, glaring at her.

"What the hell was that?" he demanded, lips tight so as to not cause a scene.

"They have to know!" Claire shouted.

"Know what, Claire? I told you, it was a dream. The doctor found no trace of a wound–"

"Bite mark! And it's because it healed!"

"You need to stop this nonsense, Claire," her father warned, staring her down. "Now."

Claire ducked her head. "Yes, sir."

By then the mayor had regained the attention of the crowd, dismissing Claire's outburst as some silly teen nonsense. Her dad headed back up the steps, glancing back to make sure that Claire didn't follow him. She stayed where she was, glancing into the crowd. At the edge stood Leo. He was watching her, his eyes dull in the overcast. Next to him was Sebastian, watching the mayor patiently, and the other boy who had been at their house–Shiloh.

Their expressions were dark as the mayor continued to speak. They knew something. They had to.

☽ ◯ ☾

Claire spent the next two days following Leo around at school. She didn't have any classes with him, but whenever she saw him in the halls she would keep a safe distance for as long as she could before she had to make her way to her own class. It wasn't easy, however. Ever since her little "scene"–as her dad had put it–at the press conference everyone had begun staring and whispering about her. But not having Jade attached to her hip anymore still made it easier to navigate the halls. The two hadn't talked since Claire had stormed out of her room.

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