Review: Body and Soul

48 7 23

Author: 4everSherlocked

The title 'Body and Soul' befits the story line. Once you proceed a bit in the story, it clicks.

Cover :
A beautiful cover, like all her other works. Trust this author to have one of the most beautiful covers for her stories, not to mention that the covers also offer an insight into the story line.
In my opinion, would keeping the colors in deep tones add that mysterious aura to the plot?

The author has kept the blurb pretty straightforward.
I feel that you might have kept it a bit mysterious so that when you actually come across this in the story line then you are hooked all the more.

The story cover has been used further in the chapters which keeps it nice and simple.



Effortlessly Intriguing!
Honestly, I want to have a long conversation with her regarding how she comes up with these plots of hers! I mean, I am sincerely charmed! Also, this was an idea that occurred to her half an hour ago and then she writes this one! Encore!

Writing style:


As always, trust this author to come up with the most simple, yet an intricate and a fascinating plot that makes you want to proceed to the next chapter effortlessly. This particular book starts with an intriguing plot, you genuinely want to seek what happens in the next chapter. The selection of words, setting, description, grammar etc. just offers you a smooth read, that's how I would like to put it.

The writing style does full justice to it being a rom-com fan-fiction.

Grammar and Vocabulary:


As always the grammar, punctuation and the selection of words is on point.
There are a few typing errors that I noticed, such as Chapter 9: "...Laylin with a faint blush to your cheek." I think that it should have been, "..her cheek".
Chapter: 14 "...playing the roll for a bit.", should have been role?

These are the only errors/typos that I noticed till chapter 15.

General Flow of the book:

💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 (7/7)

The writing style is smooth, you don't get stuck anywhere, I could read the whole chapters in one go as the writing style was effortless. This author also describes the contexts well, as in the apartment, the apparels, the weather, the car, etc.
Proceed with a bit of caution too, this author might bewitch you with a few of her sentences, such as:

"Laylin would love it, and maybe even love him for a bit." This was cute!

The last paragraph of Chapter 9.

The exchange between Jimin and Hoseok would have you giggling at one point and the next moment you would feel just how exasperated Jimin would have been, you would find yourself siding with Hobi when you would come across an angry Jimin.

And how can I forget about the whole ABC stuff! Typical Taehyung!

Even in an alternate universe, the Tannies don't lose their personality like we know them.

Main Characters:
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 (7/7)

Laylin as an original character and Jungkook in an alternate universe are smoothly introduced to us as the main leads in this story that takes a sharp turn right there in the third chapter. I liked it how the author doesn't beat about the bush and offers us this turn right at the start and this will keep you gripped to the story, like I mentioned above.

Laylin knows what she wants out of life (at least till the 15th chapter) and Jungkook will just charm you with his 'boy next door' image in this story. You can imagine them as those two cute, young, lively roommates going about their daily lives and you want to know about their story as you progress through the chapters.

I am definitely going back to finish reading this story, because it would be interesting to know further how this story progresses, it is going to be complex, that's what I can say right now.

Once you move beyond the main occurrence of this story, you would realize that the love equation is going to be a complex one here, you wouldn't even be able to decide that which two are you even rooting for.

Having said all this, I have just one little complain to the author! The chapter where Laylin is sitting by Jungkook in the hospital and then she leaves with Taehyung, I felt sad for Jungkook and their friendship. I felt that she shouldn't have left so 'easily', that's how it came across to me. I would love to have your viewpoint on this.

Side Characters/ Second Lead:

At one point I couldn't decide who is the second lead in this one, Jungkook? Taehyung? I just couldn't decide that how do I want to take it forward and I believe that's because of a beautiful, meaningful, and smart selection of these two as the two leads and weaving Laylin's and their lives together.

Overall enjoyment:


The book has emotions: both joyful and sad. You will find yourself teary eyed, you will find yourself scared, at one point you will laugh at the gimmicks of some, at one point you feel the beauty of the characters and at another, the beauty of emotions. This is because the characters have a depth to them, they won't feel superficial to you at any point and you would find yourself wanting to know more about them and I am sure that like me, you will realize that it is going to be a complex journey of love.

A particular chapter:
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 (7/7)

My most favorite chapter has to be Chapter 4: Changed Reflection.
I think that it must have been a difficult chapter to write, as here is where Jungkook is faced with the reality. I could actually imagine the whole thing, the whole picture in front of me, of the emotions of the realization and the acceptance at that point.
It somehow gave a 'Fake Love' and "Black Swan' vibe to me.
The chapter beautifully captures and conveys this pivotal turn of the story.

Please go and check out this fabulous story from this fabulous author.

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