Chapter 3 ~ Interview

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Walking down the halls of the SAS-141 base were Laswell and Rei! The two walked down the hallway, Rei walking beside Laswell, looking between her and their hooves with a nervous but eager smile, their little deer tail happily swaying back and forth as Rei could barely stand still as they approached an office and Laswell knocked on the office door. After a second, they both heard the familiar British voice, "Come in." Laswell opened the door with the folder of papers in one hand, and Price was sitting in his office chair, looking at some files on his desk. He appeared somewhat serious as he looked up at Laswell, noticing Rei beside her. The shorter deer hybrid had a shy expression, but it was still one of awe as they looked at Price's dragon features. Laswell placed the folder on Price's desk, speaking with a serious voice.

"Here's the copies of the report and background on Rei, the one I mentioned. Don't go easy on them, they need an honest evaluation"

Laswell then turned her head to Rei at her side introducing them

"Rei, this is Captain Price. He'll be evaluating you"

Price nodded as he took the files from Laswell, picking them up off the desk and putting them in a drawer. He kept his serious expression as he crossed his fingers together, noting and observing Rei's appearance, taking notice of how young they looked, the deer legs, and the large ram horns sprouting from the side of their head. Their black sclera also had a noticeable effect on him. Though when they looked at him, he could notice their awe and appreciation for his dragon features, specifically the one wing, and honestly, it was endearing. Price spoke with a nod, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Alright, Rei. Nice to meet yow... Yow want a space in my team, yeah?"

As Rei stepped up and took Price's larger, more rugged hand in their softer, smaller hand, they gave it a quick shake before speaking in an eager voice with a southern country accent. Rei nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes sir! Pleasure to make your acquaintance! The name's Rei! But I reckon you already knew that, didn't ya?"

Laswell stood silently near the door, allowing Price his time to evaluate Rei. Price looked down at their smaller hand, shaking it lightly. His eyes scanned over their appearance once more, observing Rei's physical attributes, like their eyes and hair. With an easy smile, releasing his grip on their hand and motioning to the desk and chair behind him as he walked around to his own chair, taking a seat before, he finally spoke.

"I do indeed. I've read your file. And, I must admit, a Wendigo deer 'ybrid? You're certainly an interesting one, that's for sure. Mind if I ask you a few questions?"

When Rei returned their gaze to Laswell, they sat down on the chair opposite Price and gave a slight nod in response to the question that he had asked. Their ears perked up, and they gave off the impression of being aware and excited. And they had that adorable smile as well.

"Very well," Price responded as he leaned back in his seat, shifting his hips to sit up straight with his arms folded over his front. He took a brief moment of silence to think of the best and most important questions to ask. He finally spoke again.

"Right then, let's kick off wi' the basics. What combat experience have yow 'ad? Any scrapes up close, CQC, 'ow 'bout shootin' or tactical trainin'?"

It was after Rei had made themselves comfortable in their position, with their arms resting on the arm rests of the chair and their legs crossed over each other, that they looked off to the side and spoke in an honest manner.

"I done did martial arts and hand-to-hand combat n' close quarter combat since I was a youngin', and later on I went through basic trainin', basic war skills, short and medium distance rifle shootin', basic first aid, OH OH! And bomb handlin' and usin'! But I'm fixin' to learn more if need be!!"

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