Chapter 4.40 - Upgrades, Revisited

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Neither TINA nor Dr. Venture would elaborate on the situation with Angel Eye and Lau Keishos.

After the trio's run in with Angel Eye and Lau Keishos, both TINA and Dr. Venture refused to elaborate on the situation.

As soon as their patrol was over, Emmett and Clara went back to the lab. They found Dr. Venture working in the mechanical hub of section 002. He didn't look away from the wall screen when they came in.

Emmett and Clara exchanged a worried glance. Clara folded her arms across her hoodie.

She asked her dad, "So, what was all that about?"

"What are you talking about?"

"...You're doing that thing you do when you pretend to be working."

Venture wrinkled his brow. "That's nonsense. I don't do that."

"Dad. Come on. What did Angel Eye mean about his boss talking to you?"

Venture stood and collected himself. "Angel Eye's employer... is a member of the Binary Brotherhood."

Emmett shifted uneasily on his feet. "Which order?"

"I've had TINA dig into their system and their records... The Brotherhood may keep their systems locked up tight, but Angel Eye wasn't as careful. It looks like Midas has been employing the villain for a while.

"Whatever Midas was after, it had to do with one hostage. Whatever it was—likely information—I assume that Midas got it."

Emmett clenched his fist. Antony and the others were almost collateral damage.

Emmett stifled his anger "...Was the rest of the Brotherhood involved?"

"No. ...I can't prove it, but I'm willing to vouch for the rest of them. Midas was acting alone."

Clara asked, "What makes you so certain?"

"I've known most of the Brotherhood as long as I've been an artificer. There are rules... I suppose there are always rules. Suffice to say, that I know my brethren." Ventures glare turned cold. "Midas isn't one of us.

"Midas isn't guided by the same sense of duty. He's self-serving and vindictive—the kind of person that would put innocents in harm's way to get information... The rest of us have developed our technology to do exactly the opposite! He doesn't understand the power he wields—he only wants more. His avarice is only exceeded by his pride."

Perhaps it was the thought of Emmett's brother as a hostage, but Emmett couldn't stop himself from asking, "Then why would the Brotherhood work with him?"

Venture nodded slightly, his eyes falling to the floor. "We shouldn't. But then there are a lot of things us heroes shouldn't do. Midas is a tool. With the right application, a tool can build things or fix things... or do harm. That's all we are, Emmett. We are tools. Though we aspire to be more."

Something in Venture's words struck Emmett. It wasn't the first time that the doctor had talked about lofty goals and ideals. Most superhero organizations like the Brotherhood wanted to keep the world the way it was. They were against change—even if there was a chance that it could make the world a better place.

Emmett still remembered how excited Dr. Venture had been about the splicing between Emmett's real nerves and the artificial ones that controlled his prosthetics. It was a small enough development that the Binary Brotherhood might actually let it pass. Emmett, Venture, and TINA could make the world just a little better of a place.

Emmett cleared his throat. "I gave TINA the original fusion rifle to check over."

"My analysis is complete. There are several microscopic scratches on the interior parts. Midas likely took apart and analyzed the fusion rifle."

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