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Ellie wakes up and rubs her eyes she turns over to her gf, who is still fast asleep luckily today is her free day she gets up and gets into her normal cloths she then gose to the bathroom and grabs her blue tooth brush and brushed her teeth after that she dose her hair suddenly she hears her gf voice "Sweetie are you in their" gabby her gf says in a tired weak voice. "Yh everything alright, gabs," the ginger said while washing her hands."I don't feel the best," she said in the same tired voice as last time. "Oh, that's not good. I'll go get u some medicine, " ellie said kinda concerned, "but I don't want medicine, only u," gabby complained "fine but go lie down and rest," ellie stated . Gabby went and lied on their bed while ellie dried her hands off and lied next to her. "Can we watch Snow White?" gabs asked ."Of course," ellie replied while puting the film on not even halfway through she felt her gfs arms wrapped around her waist. She looked down and realised she's asleep. Ellie kisses her on her head and whispered "I'd  pick u over the world gabs"

(Suggest any ships!)

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