i was just bored

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It was a windy night at camp. The campers were freezing, gabby hugged onto ellie grett, hugged on yul, but instantly got pushed away how could this night get any worse they thought but oh little did they know soon they'd be playing 4 their life and only 1 can win.

Orange team:
The Orange team consisted of 6 players . Riya,grett,yul,ashely,lill,rosa
Lill was already up with ashely, and they decided to get a fire starting since of the weather the other night. About an hour later, everyone was up and chatting unwillingly even tho most of them hated each other it's their only sourse of entertainment .

Lime team:
The lime team consists of 6 players.
Gabby was yapping karols ear off about animals. karol loved animals, but jeez, this girl doesn't know how to shut up.on the other side of the Limes team camp, jake and ellie were arguing, not unusual for them tom was trying to resolve it and aiden was just fed up with it atp.

No teams pov:
It was 3:17 a.m., and someone got up to go grab a drink. Suddenly, he threw a loud speacker came voice, which didn't sound like any of the previous hosts. "Ashely has been eliminated 11 camper left." Everyone was confused they didn't do a challenge td, and no one went to the elimination ceremony .

Oranges team:
Some conventions emerged in Orange teams tent after 20 mins they decided to discuss it tmoz. 

It was now the next morning. lill was up 1st as normal. She walked outside and let out a horid screech"whats wrong" rosa came out worried "..." their in the fire was ashely burnt to  death.

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