gabellie 2

151 1 0

(Pretend they r 18 in this)
"If I see u hurting animals again, I might not resist hurting u," the girl said to the boy who just looked at her like she was a freak.Just then the bell rang and gabby opened her back pack to see what she had "They should really just email us our timetables it will save more trees! " The brunette girl huffed as she saw she's got maths.She walked into her class."HI Mr Jones!" Gabby said in her usual bubbly voice . She went to sit at her desk in the back by herself  because no one wanted to sit next to the 'lunatic girl'.Once everyone got in their seats, the teacher announced their was a new student, a girl with ginger hair, and freckles walked in. "I my names ellie, and I hope we can be friends."Suddenly, a bunch of whispers  emerged."What is she wearing? "How did she even afored to go here." The ginger just rolled her and went to find a seat. "Ooo ooo, sit next to me!!" Gabs called out.The new girl cracked a smile at her and sat next to her. "HI IM GABBY, WHAT IS UR NAME I LOVE UT HAIR 3HAT DO U USE CAN WE BE FRIENDS!" The chatter box started.Ellie chuckled "woah woah one question at a time , im ellie ,I just use a natural conditioner, and of course, we can be friends. u seem cool" the shorter girl said.

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