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"Hey. Hey, you're okay." Teresa says her hands on Thomas's shoulders as he wakes up. "Hi. We have to stop meeting like this." She chuckles.

"Welcome back, you ugly shank." Minho says, standing next to Teresa. Thomas sits up, still looking a little out of it.

He looks over at Brenda, who is already looking at him. He also sees Jade sitting next to Aris watching Jorge.

"I suggest that you talk! You son of a bitch!" Jorge yells.

Jade looks over to Thomas and chuckles, "Nice to see your back from the dead." Then she looks back to Jorge who had been beating up Marcus for the last hour for imformation.

Marcus groaned as he got hit again. "Im sorry youre going to have to leave my house." He says looking up at Jorge.

"Looks like youve been having fun." Newt says ,who is sitting on the other side of Jade, to Thomas.

"Listen. I dont enjoy hurting you. Okay? Where is the right arm Marcus?" Jorge says ignoring the kids behind him.

"Wait this is Marcus?" Thomas asks stepping forwads. He looks at Marcus with confusion and anger.

"The kid catches on quick." Marcus says looking at Thomas. He laughs before continuing. "Are you the brains of the operation?"

Jorge rolls his eyes and pulls Marcus' head back to face him. "I know you know where theyre hiding. You tell me and ill make you a deal." Jorge pauses, thinking of something. "You can come with us."

He laughs once again, "I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides i make my own deal. Youre the one who taught me dont miss an opportunity."

"Whats he talking about?" Newt ask lifting his head up.

"Im talking about supply and demand." Marcus answers for Jorge. "Wicked wants all the immunes they can get. I provide that for them. So i lure the kids in they get drunk have a good time and then later, Wicked comes in. They seperate the weak from the chaff."

Jade stands up from her seat walking towards Marcus. "Wait you the one who helped Wicked get more kids? Your the reason that every time i helped them escape and they come back i would get in trouble. I would get tor-" She cut herself off .

"Im gonna kill you!" Jade went to attack but Minho grabbed her and with the help of Newt and Aris they pulled her back to them.

Jorge looks back at Jade before looking to Marcus. "I changed my mind hermano. I do like hurting you." Jorge uses his foot to push the chair Marcus was tied to, to the floor. "Talk!" He yells pulling his gun out of his pocket and pointing it towards Marcus's head. "Talk!" Jorge repeats.

"Okay, Jesus. But im not making any promises." Marcus says after a second. Fry helps Jorge pick the chair up. "These guys they like to move around a lot. They have an outpost in the mountains but its a long way away. And youve got half of Wicked on your ass, your never gonna make it."

Jorge stays quiet for a second. "Not on foot." He leans closer to Marcus slapping his hands onto his arms. He smirks. "Wheres Bertha?"

Marcus looks at Jorge pleadingly. "No please. Not Bertha." He pleads.

Jorge nods, "Yes Bertha."

"Youre telling me Berthas a ... truck?" Jade asks laughing in disbelief. They looked at the almost broken down truck sitting in front of them with a set of horns ont he front.

"Ist she a beauty?!" Jorge asks putting a hand on her. He looks her up and down like its his prized possession.

"Shotgun!" Minho and Jade yell at the same time.

Wicked Soldier ☆Minho☆Where stories live. Discover now