chapter 4:The bell test

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Naruto woke up looked at time and told to himself "it's 5 let's do our routine and then go to Training ground Lee told me that their team is going on a C tank mission so I have to do it alone huh?...alright let's do it" With that Naruto made 10 shadow clones made them to do chakra control exercise and be started to Run around konoha...
After Running 10 rounds around konoha naruto stopped and remembered that lee and Guy sensei are very strong and the do all types of ridiculous exercise's and remembered his conversation with Guy sensei
Flash back:
Three months back
Six months after lee became a genin
After one of Vigorous sparring match with lee...
Naruto breathing heavily asked lee"hey lee how did you get so strong and Fast I mean I was the fastest after thatean hyuga boy during your academy days and your strength is most likely multiplied by atleast 3 times how is it possible? "
Guy sensei barged in and told naruto lee's youth has blossomed and his hard work,determination and dedication brought him this long
Naruto saw him and said "well guy sensei Lee and I always believed in hard work and will of fire I'm confused I mean how did he became so strong in such short time well me and lee always do ame kind of routine and exercises?"
Lee already saw this coming so he just told weights Naruto kun weights
Naruto looked at him quizzically
At this Guy started to explain that Wearing weights all time makes them adapt and grow faster and stronger when removed them their speed will be even fast
Naruto got star's in eyes and asked Guy that if he can start wearing weights like lee with stars in his eyes
Guy thought it's a good idea but Naruto still being younger than lee by one year and it may stunt his growth...
Naruto looked disappointed and looked down
Guy seeing this immediately told Naruto to chill and said"Naruto kun don't get disappointed I have an Idea I will buy you weights like I have done to lee when you become a genin and get settled in a team "
Naruto had stars in his eye's and said "yatta you keep watching guy sensei I will become genin in no time"
Then continued training
Flash back END;
When Guy sensei and lee comes back I will ask Guy sensei about this weights training then looked at time it's 6:50
"I still got ten minutes let's go to training ground 7 after eating something...Oh yeah kakashi sensei told not to eat but Guy sensei and oldman Hokage always tells to eat breakfast and I also read that that eating breakfast keeps your strength at full hmm what should I do...Maybe this is a test too I will eat only some ramen..."
Naruto ate one bowl of ramen then went to Training ground 7 there he saw a brooding Sasuke and yawning Sakura who looks tired and disappointed
Naruto looked at her and inside his head he thought 'Maybe Sakura chan asked him out again and got rejected Should I ask her out now??...oh what the hell am I even thinking that's disgusting Today is test and She is sad and vulnerable and I am trying to take advantage uhh this is Disgusting...but I can't look her sad it makes me sad too...Alright let's cheer her up' thinking this Naruto went to the Sitting Teammates and shouted "Ohio Sakura chan,Ohio Sasuke" Sasuke turned at him and slightly nodded and Sakura just replied Ohio Naruto then some awkward silence came to place...

Naruto's POV thoughts:
Looking at Sasuke He thought uhh man I know his clan was killed by his brother but that was 3 years ago and he's still that emo guy and he's kinda arrogant I don't know what to do in this kind of situation maybe I should try talking to him...But I already tried it many times...this time it's maybe going to be different because now he's a teammate...
Then Looked at Sakura and thought Uhh man I don't know what to even talk with her I mean yeah Ino's kinda right I should ask her out but I'm a freaking pariah of this village adults...Uhhh I feel frustrated and Ridiculous

Sasuke's POV thoughts:
Uhh I'm Losing my patience it's been half an our And that Kakashi sensei hadn't shown up yet...And Why the hell that dobe is watching me and look at my team I got my fangirl who's not even that strong and I got a failure who cannot do a clone properly and failed two times and how did he pass this time...

Sakura's POV thoughts:
Looking at Sasuke she thought oh Sasuke kun when will you accept my love...Would you ever even look at me with same feeling's I have...
And then her eyes shifted towards Naruto who closed his eyes for some time She thought everyone says that he's a trouble maker and nonsense and I heard he already failed academy for two times and he's not a bad guy he gave his seat beside Sasuke and yeah he pranked everyone in class...except me...But why??
May be I will ask him later...

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