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Jin went near them and put the lunch box on the desk of jungkook with a loud noise due to which they both stopped kissing each other. That woman left from there immediately.

Jungkook asked jin,"what are you doing here baby"?

Jin didn't answer the question of jungkook and asked him another question,"who was she why were you kissing her? Don't you say that you like me then why was she on your lap. Are you bored from me now"?

"It's not like that baby. She is nothing for me. I only love you. I was just having fun with her. Why are you comparing her with yourself? You will be my husband. They all are just for fun." (Jungkook)

"They all means she is not the only one. There are more women with whom you make out." (Jin)

"No I don't make out with them. I just kiss them to relief my stress in office because I miss you. I don't want to disturb you in your college time so I call them sometimes." (Jungkook)

Jin was speechless all this time he thought that he is the only one whose kiss whose touch and hug can release jungkook's stress but now he felt disgusted. He didn't say anything. He took out the tie pin from the box and pinned it in jungkook's tie. Jungkook was happy after seeing the gift.

"So you are here to give me this. I loved it. It is very beautiful". Saying this jungkook was about to kiss jin but jin stops him. Jungkook understand why jin did that and said,"Are you still mad for that stupid thing baby? It's nothing I only love you they are nothing to me".

Jin still stays silent and left from there. In the night when jungkook returns to his apartment and rings the doorbell, a middle aged women opens the door. She was his servant. Jungkook hired her because jin always used to get tired due to household works.

Jungkook enters the apartment with the thought that now his lover will welcome him with his sweet smile and a hug but today no one was there. He thought jin must be still angry with him si he went to their bedroom to find jin but he was not there too.

He searched in rose room but he didn't find jin. Rose was missing too and her room was empty. He got panicked and asked his servant,"where is jin?"

"I don't know sir, jin sir called me today and told me to come at night and asked me to serve dinner to you." (Servant)

Jungkook thought jin must have gone to meet his parents so he called him but he found out that jin is not there too. After an half an hour namjoon came to jungkook's apartment. Namjoon was worried after hearing from jungkook that jin is missing. Namjoon asked jungkook about it then jungkook told namjoon whatever happened in the office today.

After hearing jungkook's word, namjoon's anger was at it's peak and he slapped jungkook with all his strength. Namjoon said,"After cheating on him and talking nonsense infront of him, you expect from him that he must stay by your side. You made joke of his love, his feeling and his care for you. You gave his place to random people. He did right that he left you. I was always aware about you being a Playboy that you play with others feeling but the love you show to us gave me a hope that once you will fall in love with someone you will become a better person but you prove me wrong. I already warned you that never let him go but now you lost him. You said him that those people were nothing to you, you were just having fun with them then imagine if jin kissed another gu........"

"Dad he can't he is only mine. No one can touch him other than me " (jungkook)

Namjoon smiled bitterly and said,"you are not able to imagine but you did it infront of his eyes you said that he is yours but did you ever give him the rights to say that you are only his that no one can touch you other than him. You ruined your beautiful life with your own hands. I have never seen a person unlucky as you."

"No dad this can't be true. He cannot leave me. I love him very much . I want him back." (Jungkook)

"I can't do anything now. Your sins are doing their job. I can only help you in finding him but the decision whether he will love with you again or not depends on him." (Namjoon)

From next day onwards namjoon and jungkook tried their best to find jin but they never succeed. With passing days jungkook's health was getting worse. He was not able to sleep at night because his body was missing jin's embrace. He was not able to eat properly because his tongue was missing the food made by jin.

He was becoming very violent. He now became so aggressive that even his own sister was afraid of him. Jungkook was spending all his time in office. He used to pin the tie pin gifted by jin every day. He used to cry in his room. His heart was beating but there was no life. Jungkook started to fire staffs on single mistakes . His anger was increasing day by day but jin was not there to control it.

1 year passed and jungkook is still unable to find jin but he never lost hope. All he knew was one day jin will be beside him, love him , hug him, embrace him and for that day to come he must live. He cannot die without meeting jin . So he started to take care of himself. He started to eat his meals properly but he wasn't able to sleep so he started to take sleeping pills.

To be continued......