Chapter 5

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The doorknob surrendered to my sweaty grip with a satisfying click. As I stood there, wiping my palm on my ill-fitting pants, I noticed the janitor had come through with his usual lack of care. A smelly mop bucket sat open by the water fountain, emitting its stink. But instead of bursting in, I had a better idea.

I threw the door open hard enough so they'd know someone was coming, but not so hard I had to see anything I didn't ask for. The effect was beautiful. Their strange duet came to a sudden end, and the air conditioning hummed on, trying to wipe the slate clean. This was my moment.

"Mr. Stevens?" I chirped, making my voice extra chipper, a nervous squeak disguised as enthusiastic professionalism.

Better they thought I was a dumb kid than guess what I really saw. Instant panic ensued. You could've heard a pin drop in that office - or more precisely, the rustling of clothes being hastily re-adjusted. I waited, savoring the moment. What secrets would be revealed next? My heart beat like a trapped bird. Ha! This was way more fun than math class.

A peek through the slightly opened door revealed a dishevelled scene.

Panic ensued as they scrambled to look presentable again. One tossed a throw pillow to the other, who tossed it right back in confusion. Really, just leave it on the floor - no need to make a bigger mess! At last, the silence broke, followed by whispered urgings of "You go!" and "No, you!"

Cautiously peering in, the scene was straight out of a bad porno. Just then, she whirled around with a start. And that's when I almost lost my little breakfast all over the welcome mat.

I blinked several times, hoping the vision before me would change. But no, it was Victoria Sinclair herself, looking just as flawless on the movie screens as disheveled in real life. I have seen every one of her movies, some more times than I'd like to admit. While I didn't know Daniel Hunter that well since just moving to LA, I sure knew Victoria Sinclair was a living legend. She was in the same category as Scarlett Johansson. Both were stars who had their own cult following.  They had different roles – Scarlett Johansson was portrayed as the sexiest, hottest woman in Hollywood while Victoria had an exotic yet sexy look that made her seem very much like anotherworldly goddess. 

There was a brief spark of anger in her eyes as she brushed past, her perfume assaulting my nostrils with a potpourri of floral and earthy scents. Really, lady, a little subtlety next time.

The door remained ajar after her exit, leaving me face-to-face with the aftermath. Mark Stevens emerged a moment later, his tie loosened and his hair slightly ruffled. But unlike Victoria, he seemed relatively composed, with an air of nonchalance about him.

Don't know what I expected, but the man looked ready for his close-up. He flashed a smile that probably charmed billions, but seeing as I just witnessed where else that mouth had been, it had little effect.

I stood frozen, my brain short-circuiting. Mark Stevens, the manager who was supposed to be briefing me, had just been... well, let's just say his briefing methods were a tad unorthodox.

My mind raced with questions. Were office sex part of the job description here? Was it a thing here to be naked and have your employee  fuck you on the sofa? Would I be expected to participate for the sake of my career? If so, I definitely needed to find myself a new position or move elsewhere. Maybe somewhere with less men and more women. Like the Sahara desert! I could live there forever. Or maybe the Himalayas! I could spend every day climbing and swimming in the Himalayas, and only leave when something happened. Like a volcano erupting. Then I could be safe and sound in the mountain caves. That sounded good, too.

This was Hollywood - where scandal and secrets lurked around every corner, and where even A-listers weren't above using their assets to get ahead.

My lips felt dry, and I knew I needed to say something, anything, to break the awkward silence that hung heavy in the air. But my brain seemed to have inexplicably deserted me at this crucial moment.

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