Chapter 21

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The afternoon passed in a blur of activity. After unpacking in our luxurious cabin and freshening up, Sarah and I joined Diana on the top sun deck to lounge by the sparkling pool. I was still adjusting to the surreal experience of finding myself amongst Daniel Hunter's glamorous social circle. All around us, beautiful people lounged on plush chaises as waiters wove between them, offering chilled glasses of champagne and smoked salmon canapes on silver platters.

Diana held court at the center of it all, greeting her friends with air kisses and flourishing hand gestures. "Darling, you simply must meet Soji," she called out to me, beckoning a striking Asian woman over. "She's the choreographer for that smash Broadway show Hamilton. Soji, I'd like you to meet Daniel's fabulous assistant Emily, and her dear friend Sarah."

I shook Soji's hand politely, glancing at Sarah who was beaming widely as she always did in new social situations. Even in this crowd of celebrities, she fit right in with her kind smile and natural charm. It seemed every few minutes, Diana was introducing us to someone new - an Oscar-winning director, a famous supermodel, a tech billionaire. I lost count of all the successful and talented people that made up her inner circle.

After nibbling our way through plates of food fit for a five-star restaurant, Diana insisted we all freshen up before the cocktail hour. I retreated with Sarah back to our cabin, my mind still reeling. "Can you believe this?" Sarah gushed as she applied a final coat of lip gloss in front of the vanity mirror. "I feel like I've stepped into an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Who knew Daniel Hunter traveled with such an incredible friends list?"

I chuckled in agreement, slipping my feet into my favorite suede pumps. The lifestyle of the Hollywood elite was dazzling to observe from afar, but up close it was downright dizzying. At that moment, a knock sounded at our door. "Come in!" Sarah called out. 

Stevo's towering form appeared in the doorway, his expression as amusing as always but a glint of seriousness in his eyes when he looked at Sarah. "Diana asked me to escort you ladies to the cocktail reception," he rumbled.

Sarah beamed as if he'd just offered her a box of chocolates. I schooled my features into what I hoped was a neutral expression, though inwardly I was struggling not to laugh at the sight of these two opposites finding companionship. We followed Stevo down plush carpeted hallways and up an elegant staircase, the sounds of clinking glasses and lively chatter growing louder with each step. 

Finally, we emerged onto another expansive sun deck overlooking the ocean. Elegant strings of lights were strung above, twinkling like stars against the dusky pink sky. Small clusters of velvet armchairs and sofas dotted the space, occupied by laughing guests holding flutes of bubbly liquor. But it was the centerpiece that really stole my breath away - an enormous ice sculpture in the shape of Cupid, shooting a bow made of ivy leaves instead of arrows and nestled in a bed of roses.

Diana swept over to greet us, pressing a glass of something sparkling into each of our hands. "There's the loves of my life!" she exclaimed with a dramatic sigh. "Now then, you simply must try one of these bacon-wrapped dates. The chef said he crafted the recipe just for me." I obeyed, taking a small bite of the savory-sweet morsel. It was sinfully delicious.

"Emily, darling, just the girl I wanted to see," Diana continued, linking her arm through mine. "Come, I must introduce you to Giuseppe. He's the director overseeing Daniel's next blockbuster film, Solar Flare. I'm sure he'd appreciate your input on the production." I shot Sarah an amused look over my shoulder as Diana towed me away, mentally preparing myself to dazzle yet another Hollywood power player with my Oscar-worthy conversation skills.

A few hours and several drinks later, I found myself starting to relax into the lavish atmosphere.

Sarah had commandeered a loveseat beside Stevo and was regaling him with tales from her dance studio days, her hands waving animatedly as she spoke. Stevo watched her with an fascinated expression, so different from his usual brooding protectiveness. 

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