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It was finally Alyvia's last day of officially being a Wildcat—it was graduation day

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It was finally Alyvia's last day of officially being a Wildcat—it was graduation day.

The girl sat between the Danforth boy and the chair Troy once sat in as they watched the Bolton boy give the Valedictorian speech.

"East High is a place where teachers encouraged us to break the status quo. And define ourselves as we choose. Where a jock can cook up a mean creme brulee." Troy chuckled, causing a smile to grow on Zeke's face. "And the brainiac can break it down on the dance floor."

Martha stood up from her seat, doing a little dance, causing the others to chuckle before the girl sat back down.

"It's a place where one person... if it's the right person..." Troy started, causing Liv to glance over at the boy beside her, making him turn his attention to her, causing the duo to share a smile as they locked hands. "changes us all. East High is having friends that we'll keep for the rest of our lives. And I guess that means we really are all in this together. Because once a Wildcat... always a Wildcat."

The crowd burst out in cheer as they clapped for the boy, quickly standing up from their seats.

Alyvia cheered loudly as the boy walked over to their principal and received his diploma before he quickly jumped off of the stage.

The seniors turned their E and H into a giant Wildcat in the middle of the field before they tossed all of their caps into the air.

Chad quickly wrapped his arms around the girl, spinning her in the air and making her laugh before they quickly broke apart.

Lookin' forward from center stage to graduation day
Time to get the future started

What we leave, what we take with us, no matter what
It's something we're part of
We learned to fly

Together, side by side (Side by side)
I just hope the rest of my life

Will feel as good as my...

High school musical
Who says we have to let it go?
It's the best part we've ever known
Step into the future
But hold on to high school musical
Let's celebrate where we come from
The friends who've been there all along, just like
A high school, high school musical

Improvisation without a script
No one's written it
And now we have the chance to
But someday, we'll be lookin' back, memories we'll have
All the songs that we lived through
The best of times

So why leave them behind? (Behind)
Why can't the rest of my life

Be like my...

the start of something new; chad danforthWhere stories live. Discover now