Chapter 2

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Third Person Pov:

With a groan, he slowly opened his eyes and found himself laying in a hospital bed. He looked at two people in front of him. Groaning, he sat in a sitting position and questioned coldly

"When I am gonna get discharged!?"

It looked as if he was here for a sickness not because he was attacked.

"In a while. We have selected the best two bodyguards for your protection, Sir" One of the men said formally, looking at him. They had to do a lot of talks to get him discharged. They knew if they didn't then He would create havoc. Fortunately, The doctor was Z.K's Father's friend. So, it was easy to get him discharged and hide the news of him getting attacked from the world.

"I don't need any bodyguards. Give me my mask." He said, standing up, his expression stoic.

"Zayan, It's a government order. You know how valuable you are for them" the other person interrupted while giving Zayan the mask. He didn't want him to go anywhere but it's useless to argue with him.

"Fine, Saif" Zayan wore his mask as Saif who is his friend called them inside. But when they entered. He was shocked to see his brothers. But he was well composed. Saif introduced them but he knew them already. Ayaan Khan was once an actor but quit acting when he was being forced to do a scene, he didn't want to. Inspired by Kareem, he took Bodyguard as a profession. Kareem Khan inspired by movies, became a bodyguard. Though, he really felt like giving them a scolding. But they are happy with their profession so he doesn't have a problem either.

Nodding his head as an acknowledgement, he went outside. His bodyguard who were his brothers also following

"Go to your home! Come Tomorrow" He said coldly while sitting in his car.

"Okay, Sir" Kareem said as they were ordered not to argue with him nor did they have courage.

Just then he received a message. It was none other than his father.

Come home fast. I want you to see in the basement in ten minutes.

As soon as he reached home, he opened the door. The dreadful silence welcomed him. The silence clawing at his throat. His foot taking him into the basement. He shivered slightly at the coldness in the basement. The air conditioner was on at the lowest temperature. A rope was hanging from the fan. Beneath it, A cold ice lair was laid.

"Who told you to cancel all the meetings and go somewhere to have fun!? Did I allow you to have fun!?" His father, Ali, growled furiously pulling his hair. A hiss escaped his mouth.

"I am sorry, Master. I won't do it again" Zayan replied despite the fear that was rushing in his veins. It was his first time to had a bit of fun which he was regretting very badly.

"Did I told you to speak!?" His father growled pulling his hair more harshly.

⚠️ Warning of Torture (Read at your own risk)

"And I will make sure you don't. Remove your shoes" His father continued, looking at him. Knowing very well, His father won't budge. He took his shoes out as he was ordered and stood still as his father made him stand on the ice lair and hanged the rope around his neck. His bare foot touched the cold ice and his face upwards. The cold air touching his body.

"AHH!" He screamed at the sudden hit from his father.

"I don't even want to hear a hiss!" His father growled as he whipped Zayan again. This time, he was prepared, he didn't scream or hissed yet his face held a painful expression which satisfied his father. The whipping sounds echoed like a harmony of relentless furry, filling the air with a maniac laugh of his father as he stood still despite the pain and agony. The cold air is increasing the pain of him yet he stood still unable to scream, yell or hiss. His mouth shut, his tongue biting inside to stop the hiss or scream. At the 20th hit, his father stopped but the smirk on his face remained. His father bought a bucket of water which was full of ice. His father threw the bucket on him only adding more to the pain. He controlled the urge to scream out in pain and agony. His eyes pleading to stop the torture. His eyes held immense pain and agony. Every nerves of his body screamed a silent cry of pain. Yet, he refused to plead or beg. The only thing common in him and his father was they both hate begging or pleadings. No matter what, they won't beg or plead anyone. The wounds that he got during being shot reopened. The blood was flowing. His clothes were torned and was covered in blood.

"Stay like this" His father said, leaving the room with a satisfied smirk on his face. The disappearing figure of his father increased his fear, not knowing for how long he has to stay like this.

As time passed, the ice started to melt which Increased his fear. The cold air touching his wounded body was making him feel as if his body was burning. It was becoming hard for him to breathe. The rope around his neck worked as a suffocated blanket. Gradually, pain started to form in his legs. His legs wobbled. His foot was numb with pain. His vision started to blur making it hard for him to balance. Just when he was about to lose his balance, the rope was cut off suddenly by his father who actually didn't left and was watching it afar from two hours, making him fell down.

"Get ready, We are going to live in your mother's house! If you tell them the truth, consider them dead" His father said looking at Zayan who was painting heavily. Zayan was shocked and confused yet he didn't question just as he was trained too.

"Yes, Master" Zayan said as he tried to stand despite the pain, he was feeling. Without questioning anything, not wanting to anger his father, he went to his room. His room provided by his father was a small room covered with black walls. An old bed and cupboard at the corner of the room. Opening his cupboard, he took out his essential things and packed it in a red rectangle box. He was grateful to his father for letting him buy his essential things.

"Be fast!" He heard his father furious yelled. Fortunately, he was finished so he hurriedly changed into another clothes quickly.

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