Chapter 15

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Third Person Pov:

Ayaan smiled sheepishly, trying to play it down "I was.... just joking.... hehe" Standing, He backed away a little as she saw her mother approaching him with a glare and a hint of mischief in her eyes.

"I won't do anything. It's alright. I know you were joking. Come here, son" She said, smiling sweetly but her eyes gleaming with mischief said otherwise. He stood rooted in his place, cursing himself.

"Ouch!" He shriek as his mother twisted his ear as if she hadn't told him, she wouldn't do anything. He grumbled as he heard his brother's playful laugh.

"Didn't I tell you to never speak like this, huh!?" Fatima raised her one eyebrow, her tone was teasing, her glare gleaming with mischief.

"Ouch! Ouch! You did! I won't!" He yelped as Fatima further twisted his ear "Pakka! I won't. Leave me, Ami!"

"What's happening!?" A confused voice, laced with amusement,  interrupted their moment.

As they turned around to the source of the voice, they saw Ali standing. Ali chuckled, repeating the question "What's happening here!?"

"Just letting our sons know that he should be careful with what he says" Fatima answered, wrapping her hands around his waist. The room was suddenly quiet. A comfortable yet eery silence filled the room. No one said anything before she continued " Where's Zayan!? Why isn't he here!?

A flicker of irritation went through Ali's eyes at the mention of Zayan. "He doesn't want to come because he had some work" He lied, rolling his eyes subtly. Her face fell as she listened. She wanted to see all of his sons before going. But she smiled as a flicker of hope ignited in her eyes. "Maybe, he will arrive tomorrow before he went. He would want to see his father if not me", She thought, as a tear fell from his eyes.

Ali, who saw it, hugged her immediately and whispered "Shh, love. Don't cry. You know I love you too much to see you cry" Though, internally, he cringed at his words.

"Have you packed anything?" He questioned gently, internally smirking. "Everything's gone well. Just as I planned.", Ali thought, with a subtle smile forming in his face.

"Yeah, I did" She replied, her tone was almost a whisper as she struggles to keep her eyes open. "Let's sleep. I'm tired"

"Yes, let's go" He mumbles, stroking her hair gently and guiding her towards their room.

"Zayan made her cry again" Ayaan muttered out, clenching his fist tightly. "Be Calm. We will take revenge from him for every tear, he made her cry " Bashir put a reassuring hand around Ayaan's shoulder.

"We will. For now, Let's sleep" Kareem sighed, leaving for his room. The room which was filled with laughter and playful teasing turned into somber mode.  Ayaan and Bashir left with a shrug. Asim had already left, the moment, he saw their father.

In The Morning, At 2 pm:

Fatima sighed disappointed, not with Zayan but herself. "Only if we had been patient and didn't get divorced then none of it would have happened. Zayan wouldn't have been distant. Our sons wouldn't be hating each other", She thought, looking away from the door to hide the tears beaming in her eyes.

Her hope shattered into pieces. Zayan didn't come. It was getting late for the flight and they couldn't wait anymore. She wanted to cry out loud but she stopped herself for her children. She couldn't bid them farewell with sadness. Years ago, the scenery was similar to this. The day, Zayan left.

Flash Back:

"Zayan will stay here!" Fatima snapped at Ali.  Her hands grabbing his collar. Ali scoffed, pushing her off his collar "He won't! He is coming with me"

Bashir and Asim were frozen in their place while Kareem and Aayaan were sobbing badly. There was one to console. Zayan was standing between his father and his mother. He had an emotionless face but deep inside, he was struggling to maintain his emotions. Despair, pain, horror and agony filled in his eyes. He had to choose between his father and his mother. Choosing his father means losing his mother and his four younger brothers. And choosing his mother means losing his father. It wasn't an difficult decision considering his father's actions towards him but he had no choice. His father's threatening voice echoed in his mind

You are coming with me. If you don't, you know the consequences.

He gulped in fear and muttered out, "I will go with father. " His voice was steady despite the turmoil brewing inside him. His decision shocked his mother but his four younger brothers felt betrayed. For them, Zayan was leaving because of their father who was a bit abusive and never cared for them.

"You can't! You are lying!" Bashir yelled, tears streaming down his face. "Stop. Don't please."

"Stay, big brother. We need you. You can't leave us." Ayaan cried out, falling to his knees. He begged but Zayan stood firm in his decision.

" If you leave, you are never welcome here" Bashir's voice rang out, hatred and resentment brewing in his tone, he looked away. His eyes, a mix of emotions; anger, hurt and betrayal.

"Zayan, let's go" His father said, reaching his hands towards Zayan who took it with his trembling hands. "Go! Don't come back ever!" He heard Bashir's ye----


Fatima flinched, the sound of Ayaan's voice pulling her sharply out of the painful memory. She blinked, her vision blurred by the unshed tears that had gathered while she relived that moment.

"Ami?" Ayaan repeated, his voice now softer, full of concern.

"Huh?" she muttered, trying to shake off the lingering weight of the past, confusion still thick in her tone.

"Ami, he won't come," Ayaan said again, his irritation clear. It was the nineteenth time he'd said it, but the words stung as though she was hearing them for the first time.

"Take care of yourself."

"I will miss you. Be Quick"

"Be careful "

"Love you, Ami"

She smiled and nodded her head with a smile while Ali squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"Let's go" Ali said with a smile but suddenly, a panting voice interrupted them. "Hello.."

They turned around to see who it was......

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