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Ashley: Hey wake up

I'm bored and you're fun to talk to please wake up

Me: I'm awake I'm awke stop spamming me

Ashley: awake*

Me: Hey

Ashley : I feel like dying my hair, wanna dye your hair with me??

Me: ummm I've never died my hair before but um sure okay

Ashley: let's meet up by the CVS near platos closet okay??

Me: uh yeah sure I'll meet you there in like 10 minutes okay
Drive safe

Ashley: okay you too babe

I didn't know what I was supposed to wear. I wanted to look better because last time she saw me I looked like shot. I was wearing my work uniform which is gross and yeah I wanted to impress her.

I looked in the mirror and all I was just plain old me in the mirror. I had so much self hate within me and If you struggle with self hate you know how it is. One minute you feel perfect and pretty. The next you feel ugly and pathetic. There is no in between.

I went to my makeup, grabbed my mascara and put a bit of it on. Try not to put to much makeup on, I didn't want to look like one of those girls that wears a lot of makeup ya feel?

I went to my closet and picked up some boyfriend jeans. Than I paired them with a black striped oversized shirt, and some white converse.

I grabbed my wallet from my room, and grabbed my keys as well. Than I headed for the door, and hopped in the car. I put my playlist cd in the car, blasting Anorbian- by the 1975.

Finally I had made it to the CVS, and I saw Ashley. God I couldn't get over how beautiful she was, with her blue hair, and her GLITTER brows she was just so gorgeous.

But I just knew that she could just never love me or even like me. I was just me and I didn't know if she even was a lesbian/bisexual. That had never come up in our conversations.

I hopped out of the car, and grabbed my wallet.

"Hey Ashley" I said with a smile

"Hey Marley" she said pulling me into a hug. I had no idea what that meant, I was just happy it was happening. I hoped she'd never let go...but eventually she did.

"So how has you morning been so far ?" I asked curiously

"Eh it's been okay, my ex girlfriend has been trying to call me all morning though" she said laughing "SHes like Ashley I miss come back"

"Wow " I said I couldn't help but laugh with her, because her impersonation was hilarious.

" But enough about me how about yours?" She said giving me nudge and a smile.

Fuck was I falling for her

"It's been really good actually, I woke up with messages from someone, so that's good because that never happens" I said while smirking at her.

"Fuck someone else is crushing on you too??" She said pretending to be surprised.

"Yep you have a little competition" I said nudging her arm.

"Aw man" she said while pouting.

"Well if it makes you feel better I like you more" I said

"Are you flirting with me" she said

"No no no not at all" I said

By this time we were practically running all around the store. Looking at all kinds of stuff and I know this is my first time hanging with her. But she made me not have to look at the time. She made me forget what time it was and that's what I think I liked about Ashley.

We finally picked some hairdye I chose to dye my hair platinum, and Ashely went with a bubblegum pink.

We reached the cash register, and we paid for our things.

"Hey, would you like to get lunch? I know this great Chinese place up the street we can go there if you want?" I asked

"I would love too, let's go there you lead and I'll follow " she said

"Okay" I said with the biggest smile
"We can dye our hair at my apartment afterwards"

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