Chapter 1: A Heavenly Encounter

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In the vast expanse of the cosmos, beyond mortal understanding, lie two realms: Heaven and Hell.

Heaven isn't merely an afterlife destination; it's a realm of ethereal beauty where angels dwell amidst clouds that seem to dance in perpetual harmony.

Among these celestial beings is Angel Boy Noeul, a child of innocence, purity, and captivating charm. His golden wings shimmer with a radiance that mirrors his innocence and grace.

Contrasting Heaven is Hell, a realm cloaked in shadows and engulfed in eternal flames.

Within its fiery depths reigns Chaikamon, the formidable Devil King. His obsidian horns gleam with malevolent power, and his fiery eyes burn with a fierce intensity that strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest souls.

While Heaven and Hell may appear as polar opposites, locked in an eternal conflict fueled by pride and prejudice, there exists a delicate balance between them, a fragile thread that binds the two realms together in an intricate tapestry of fate.


In the celestial expanse of Heaven, where clouds drifted like cotton candy and the air was infused with the scent of serenity, little Noeul fluttered his delicate wings, attempting to keep pace with his angelic companions.

Little Angel boy Noeul is joyfully playing with his friends, basking in the delights of Heaven's garden.

But his wings were still too small, his flight too unsteady, and with a misstep, he tumbled from the heavens, hurtling towards the distant earth below.

As Noeul plummeted through the azure skies, his heart raced with fear, his tiny form enveloped in a whirlwind of panic, as he realized he was descending from the safety of the heavens.

As Noeul plummeted through the azure skies, his heart raced with fear, his tiny form enveloped in a whirlwind of panic, as he realized he was descending from the safety of the heavens

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Yet, just as all hope seemed lost, a strong pair of arms reached out from the depths below, catching him in a firm yet gentle embrace.

It was Chaikamon, the formidable Devil King, his imposing figure cutting through the air with an aura of darkness and power.

As he held the trembling little angel in his arms, he couldn't help but be struck by the innocence and purity radiating from the child's sparkling eyes.

As he looked up, his eyes wide with relief, he offered a timid smile to the devil lord who had saved him.

His innocence shone through the darkness, and he held onto the devil's arms tightly, finding comfort and safety in the unexpected act of kindness.

"What's with the smile, little angel?" Devil Chaikamon's voice rumbled like distant thunder, His gaze pierced through Eul's soul, laying bare every hidden thought and emotion.

With a cute and innocent smile, Angel NoEul, expressed his gratitude to the devil king,  saying, "Just grateful for your help.. Thank you na"

The devil inquired, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

With a giggle that echoed like the tinkling of bells, Noeul looked up at the devil with unwavering trust. "No, why should I be scared of you? You caught me when I was falling. You saved me. You're very kind."

The Devil King's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind grappling with the unfamiliar sensation of warmth and kindness emanating from the tiny angel in his arms. "But do you know who I am? I am the devil, the king of Hell. Everyone is scared of me."

"No, you're not scary," Angel Noeul replied, his voice soft and innocent. "I feel safe around you."

The devil, astonished by the child's fearlessness, observed him with a mix of curiosity and intrigue.

After a moment of silent contemplation, Devil Chaikamon finally spoke, his voice tinged with wonder, "Okay, it's time for you to return to your heaven now."

Angel Eul, his confusion evident in his innocent gaze, blinked and held onto the devil even tighter. "But I don't know... I was playing with my angel friends, and then I slipped and fell. I ended up so far away... I didn't even realize how far I had fallen," he explained softly, his voice filled with genuine innocence and vulnerability.

With a mixture of bemusement and curiosity, Devil Chaikamon agreed to escort the young angel back to the entrance of Heaven.

Cradling Noeul in his arms like a precious treasure, he soared through the skies with the grace of a angel, his dark wings cutting through the air in stark contrast to the ethereal beauty of his celestial surroundings.

As they reached the gates of Heaven, Angel Noeul thanked the Devil King with a smile that illuminated the heavens. "Thank you so much, Devil Lord. I'll wait for you. When I grow up, I'll meet you one day."

The little one fluttered away with such adorable grace!

With a nod of acknowledgment, Chaikamon watched as the cute angel disappeared into the radiant glow of Heaven, his heart heavy with questions and uncertainties.

And as he turned to leave, a single thought lingered in his mind:

Why did he, the Devil King, feel strangely compelled to help a Angel Boy from the realm of Heaven, only to leave him behind in the end?

End of Chapter


Author's Note

"I'm absolutely smitten with Boss Noeul, and it's their influence that drives me to write this delightful tale. Drawing inspiration from classic fairy tales, I've spun a story that's free from any harshness , instead focusing on charming creativity. Being a gentle writer, I extend a warm invitation to readers who cherish tender romance to join me in this journey. But if  it's your thing, that's perfectly alright too—I respect your preferences."

Thank you.

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