003. interesting

271 19 32

chapter three!


🎒 . 📄 . 📌 . 🎲 . ☎️

"HOW'D YOUR little tutoring thing go?" Bailey asks me as she applies a new coat of lipgloss.

I shrug. "Not awful. He's kind of confusing. Like he doesn't really want to be there but doesn't want to show it. I had honestly expected him to be an asshole to me and treat me like he was oceans ahead of me in life, but he was pretty chill."

She smiles as she screws the cap on her lipgloss, offering it to me, I shake my head. "That's good, Lea. You think he's cute or anything?"

"I mean, he's definitely not hard to look at, but we are oceans apart socially." I tell her. "But I also don't expect anything to happen nor will I initiate anything because I'm supposed to be professional. Flirting isn't very professional."

She waves my concerns off. "Who cares if it's not professional! He's cute and you have a reason to speak to him. You should ask him to hang out sometime."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why would I do that? We've only spoke once, and we're not friends."

She gives me a look. "Because!"

"Because why?" I mumble.

"How are you so good at school and still don't understand me?" She sighs, placing her hands over mine. "You admitted he was cute. You never say guys are cute."

"Okay, but I didn't say that. I said he wasn't hard on the eyes. He may be standardly attractive, but—"

"But just admit you think he's cute!" She challenges, and I narrow my eyes at her.

"67.54% of the school finds Brady Noon attractive, you're apart of that number." I acknowledge, and she nods.

"Yes, he's cute." She adds, "But you think so too."

It made me slightly annoyed that Bailey found Brady cute, but I didn't know why. She's never mentioned him before. How come she finds him to be attractive?

Do I think he's attractive? I mean; I know he is conveniently, but... in my opinion?

"No, I do not." I insist, and she detects my lie immediately.

"For a book-smart girl, you're very bad at lying." She laughs. "Admit it, Azalea."

"Fine, he's a little cute, but I'm not asking him to do anything. So what if he's cute? That doesn't affect the fact that I'm his tutor, and my job is to get his grades up." I say seriously, and she rolls her eyes.

"You're so boring!" She groans, and I shrug.

"You ask him out then, I don't care." I deadpan, and she sends me a look.

"No! He's yours. He's the first boy you've ever said is attractive." Bailey says happily, and I sigh.

She will never get this go, unfortunately. And there's a 67.45% chance that she'll make a move on him for me even though I don't want her to.

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