007. distractions

189 16 6

chapter seven!


🥊 . ⚽️ . 🎸 . 🏐. ✂️

"AZALEA!" I shout as I find her at her locker, and she furrows her eyebrows as she turns to look at me.

"Yes, brady? We just spoke a few minutes ago, I'm confused what this urgency is about." She mumbles, and I take a second to catch my breath.

"When I saw you the other day while I was with connor I said your social skills were bad." I acknowledge, and she nods.

"I remember the conversation in great detail... but what relevance is that to right now?" She asks, and my face softens.

"I'm sorry for saying it. I didn't mean to offend you, and it doesn't at all bother me. It's actually really cool that you can just calculate statistics, and your sense of humor is good." I rant, and she gives me a confused look.

"I wasn't offended, Brady... where did you get the idea that I was?" She seems confused as she shuts her locker and leans against it.

What? But Bailey told me she was offended. Why the hell would Bailey lie about that? And why would Connor go along with it?

"Bailey told me you were." I mumble, and her eyebrows raise.

"Was she with Connor?" She questions, looking up at me as she plays with a strand of her hair.

I momentarily get distracted by it, but I blink a few times and snap back to the question she asked me.

"Yeah, she was. Why?"

"We're they... kissing?" She says awkwardly, and I nod. "It's possible they wanted to just distract you and get more time to themselves, but Bailey could've assumed I was genuinely upset over it... although I hadn't mentioned it to her, so the chances of that being true are very low."

"That fucking—"

"Okay let's not spew any insults about your brother please!" Azalea says quickly, jumping to stop me.

"Why?" I scowl, and she laughs lightly, covering her laugh with her hand.

"I wanna get back at them." She answers. "Bailey does this to me all the time. She sends boys my way so they don't interrupt her and whoever she's with. This time it just so happened to be you."

I run a hand through my hair. "Get back at them? How?"

She grabs my wrist and walks me to a table so we don't have to continue standing in the hallway, and she decides on a plan.

"I'm thinking that we have them assume their plan backfired. Like... they sent you to me because Bailey told you I was mad that you called my social skills bad, so let's make them think I actually was mad, and then we had an argument and now we won't speak to each other." She explains, and my eyes widen.

"Yeah, that's... really good, actually." I smile. "I'm in, how do we start?"

Her eyes flick to something behind me. "Argue with me. They're coming."

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