004. lesson two

248 21 11

chapter four!


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"I CAN'T be late to tutoring, Azalea will get on my ass about it again." I tell connor, but he grabs my backpack to stop me from walking away.

"This will take like two seconds. I just need you to go with me to find Bailey. You're my excuse for this shit, you gotta act like you don't know where Azalea is." He explains, and I sigh.

"Just tell her you wanna walk with her, dude. Azalea confirmed she's into you." I mumble, and he shakes his head.

"Nah, we're playing this little cat-and-mouse game, so I can't be upfront until she's upfront. Plus who knows if she's actually into me or if she just wants to go on one date like she usually does with guys." Connor explains to me, and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, you two are confusing." I turn to see Bailey, walking a few feet in front of us, and I shove him at her.

He stops himself before he runs into her, but he's then stuck conversating with her, and I use the opportunity to dip out and head to the library.

When I get there, Azalea smiles at me. I nod my head at her in acknowledgment and sit down.

"Hey. Sorry for being late again, Connor needed my assistance on something to do with Bailey."

She raises an eyebrow. "Connor and Bailey are into each other. I don't understand why they won't communicate that."

I laugh softly. "It could be a fear of rejection, even though it's confirmed they're into each other, it can be scary to get rejected. Especially if you're friends."

She nods. "I suppose so, but I've never liked a boy, so I would not know that feeling."

She's never liked a boy? I mean, I guess that makes sense for her since she seems to be in love with school and learning...

"Yeah, you should ask Bailey about it. Sometimes rejection gets ugly, and it's not favorable to be put through it." I tell her, shaking my head afterwards to clear mu thoughts. "Anyways, let's get started. What are we working on today?"

"Math." She smiles, and I groan.

Of course she's happy about math.

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"MATH? REALLY?" He sounds annoyed by the topic.

"Yes, really. It's not a hard topic, Brady." I say softly, and he scoffs.

"Maybe for you." He mumbles. "Algebra is hard! I'm a senior and I'm still in fucking algebra."

My face softens. "It's okay, math isn't everyone's subject."

"It's not that, Azalea! I failed my junior year and had to redo it!" He shouts, and i recoil back slightly.

"I'm sorry, I just—"

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