Lora vs. the great serpent

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The great serpent is the one to make the first. Launching at Lora with its giant jaws wide open. Lora acting quickly lite and toss the bomb inside the serpent's mouth which exploded immediately on contact.

Releasing the same thick smoke like the one she had thrown inside the cave before. It causes the serpent to stop in its track for a moment.

Lora using this chance quickly takes out her spear and throws it into the eye of the great serpent with prefect accuracy. Jamming it right into the socket of the serpent eyes who is now railing in pain.

Ottar and the others watching the fight is still pondering on what's Lora actually plan is to take down the serpent. Simple weapon like that won't be enough to kill the king of the forest.

Lora watching the serpent from up high. She frustratingly Tsk at the fact that the spear didn't went deep enough. Revealing that Lora have cover the blade of her spear with a special poison. Enough to kill something the size of the great serpent.

Lora was hoping that when she throws the spear into the eye of the serpent. It would go deep enough to get as close as possible to the serpent's brain.

The poison that is coated on the blade of the spear, would then spread to the brain killing the serpent in just a few minutes.

But since the spear didn't go deep enough, it would take a lot longer for the poison to reach the brain.

The huntress was hoping not to drag out the fight with the great serpent for too long because it would be dangerous to have a long stalemate with a beast this dangerous.

With no other choice, she acts to jam the spear even further on her own.

Lora waiting for a bit until the great serpent is in the right position. Once confirm she leap off the ledge, landing on the head of the snake.

Grabbing the spear she forcefully drove the spear deeper and deeper into the skull of the serpent. Feeling the danger to its life.

The great serpent aggressively toss its head around to throw Lora off. Lora hold on to the spear with all her strength, but in the end, she just couldn't hold on any longer and gets toss away like a rag doll.

Luka and Rivera felt extremely worry for Lora when they saw her getting slam into a tree by the serpent.

" LORA!!" Luka and Rivera cried out her name.

Lora manage to get back up on her feet after that blow. She looks up to the sky where she saw the giant head of the serpent who is looking down on her with bloodlusted eyes fill with rage.

The serpent launch a strike at Lora, ready to gobble up the human girl in one bit.

Lora despite her body ravaging in pain from getting slam into a tree, she is still able to quickly roll out of the way for the attack before she could get eaten.

Lora quickly thinks of a way to drive the spear deeper into the serpent head.

While thinking the serpent prepare another attack. Lora quickly ran into the forest as the serpent give chase after her.

Everyone is praying that Lora can survive this. It even get to the point to where Luka, ponder the moment to hurry and go inform his father about Lora situation and request his help.

But he second guesses his action because Lora have too much pride as a warrior.

She would probably get mad at him if he does something like that. So all he can do right now is just to watch and pray for his sister victory.

Meanwhile, inside the forest, Lora continue to be chase by the great serpent.

It launch a few jaw strike at Lora but her reflexes prove to the serpent that it won't be that easy to get her.

So the serpent prepares a different attack. From its mouth it excreted its poisonous saliva at Lora.

Lora danger instincts kicks in and quickly avoids getting hit by the poison that dissolve a nearby tree that it has hit.

One direct hit from that and it would have melt Lora skin to the bone. The serpent launch another jaw strike but miss. Except this time the shockwave for the near impact on the ground flung Lora away causing her to fall to the ground.

The serpent gets ready for another jaw strike. Lora tries to move out of the way, but piece of her shirt got stuck on a small tree bark, keeping her in place.

The serpent launch its attack. Lora with no other choice quickly use a knife she had on her to cut and rip off her shirt enabling her to escape near death as the serpent's attack would have hit her. But this action by Lora almost becomes her downfall. After escaping, she was unable to recover back on her feet in time.

The serpent out for blood, quickly launch a poison shot at Lora that barely graze her right shoulder. Causing Lora to feel the pain of having her skin being burnt right off.

She fell due to the pain from the poison rapidly spreading inside her body. Now left railing in pain on the ground. The serpent feeling it superiority after seeing its prey, helpless right in in front of it. It slowly and menacingly makes its way to her.

Lora desperately drags her body away from the serpent who is closing in on her, inch by inch every passing second. Still showing no fear, Lora continue to crawl. Her determination to live is overwritting the pain her entire body is feeling right now because of the posion.

Her condition begins to get worsen as her vision is getting blurry. Making it hard for her to see. She can also feel her body getting numb to the point where soon she will be complete paralyze. To quickly end this fight, Lora with every onch of strenght left inside her body. The fearless girl drag herself in a direction of the forest as if she wanted to get to a certain spot all along.

Which was the case because Lora wasn't just mindlessly running away from the serpent into the forest.

On purpose, Lora had lead the serpent to this place where she have set up many traps in the forest for when she is hunting. The serpent is unaware of this action by Lora of course . The girl getting to a rope that is tired to a tree.

Before the serpent could finish off Lora, she quickly cut the rope while holding on to it.

The rope pulled Lora up in the air with great force making the serpent look up at her in surprise of the girl's sudden action. But that was the biggest mistake the serpent could ever made.

Because once it turned its head up to look at the rising Lora, at the same time a giant log came falling down from the height.

The rope that Lora cut must have been holding up the log in the air.

The log came crashing down on the serpent head hitting the spear that is still jam inside the serpent eye. From the force of something heavy hitting it. The spear drives deeper into the head of the serpent.

The spear went in so deep that it hit the brain of the serpent directly. With the poison quickly taking a full effect.

The great serpent drops to the ground lifeless. Lora came out the victor in this life and death fight. Quickly taking an antidote she had prepare beforehand. The possible of facing a poisonous beast in the forest she hunted in everyday. Made Lora to be extra caution whenever entering the forest. So of course she would had an antidote on her at times like these.

With the antidote slowly taking its effect curing Lora body from the venomous serpent poison. Her vision is quickly coming back. But her body is still a little to numb, making her unable to move properly for the time being. Using this opportunity to rest up until the others come to meet her. To her horror, the great serpent got back up.

This terrify Lora because right now, she is unable to move properly. But didn't want to sit by and get killed by the great serpent. Not when she have already come this far. With the strenght she already gain from being cure of the poison. Lora force herself to move away.

With the last of its dying breath, the great serpent strike Lora with its massive tail, sending her flying off the edge of the nearby cliff into the raging current going out into the sea.

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