Silver lotus pack

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The two sibling sat on a log near a cliff that have a great overview of the island. They are able to see the sea, the shoreline, mountains, the rest of the forest as well as their village that is just some distance away from where they are now. Lora taking out a small jar, inside is a herbal onitment she use to cover the bruise nose Luka had received from Lora eariler attack.

" Ow, ow. Can't you be a little more gently Lora." The boy cried it pain.

" If you are crying over a little bruise like this, how would you become strong like our father and take over the pack," Lora replied.

Luka complain that it still hurt. Moment later Lora has finish and then pats the boy silver hair for comfort. Luka pushes his sister hand away telling her that she should stop treating him like a baby. Even though earlier he was crying from getting his bruise treated.

Lora changing topic praising her little brother for getting better at sneak attack. Ever though Lora was still able to pick up on his presence before he could attack.

Feeling a mix of emotion from his sister praise. Lora, seeing the uncomfortable expression on Luka's face asks her brother what's bothering him.

He explained in somber tone.

" It feel great to that my skills have improve, but the fact that you, a human was still able to sense my presence so easily. It just tell me that I still have a long way to go."

The boy ponder on the fact that it will take him a lifetime to reach the same level as his father. Lora feeling the boy discomfort rubs the back of his wolf ear that are on his head.

He really like it when his ears are rub like that. It makes him feel like all his anxiety are being wash away.

" Luka you are still young. You have plenty of years to train until you reach father's level."

Giving her brother an encouraging smile. She tells him chin up. Luka hearing his sister words reinsure himself that he can do it and is ready to try harder. Luka then feels a slight pain on his ear due to Lora pinching him out of anger for ruining her hunt causing the deer to get away.

Luka quickly apologize in fear and pain. Luka's ear and nose then twitches a bit before he jumps up on his feet in excitment. Claiming that father his back.

" Can you pick up his scent from here?" Lora asks.

Luka nods his head yes, pointing to the road that leads to their village. Taking a look for herself, Lora see dust building up on the road. Her senses of hear and smell isn't as great as her little brother who is a wolf, but she knows that he wouldn't lie about something like that.

Looking down on the road leading into the village. Lora could see some figures heading toward the village. In a exciting tone Luka transform back into his wolf form after the same glowing light from before engulf his body.

Luka quickly runs off.

Lora crying out to her brother to wait on her, but he didn't listen. So Lora had to head down the mountain alone.

Luka after reaching his village which is called the

" The northern tribe."

He sees his father in his human form as he is being welcome back by all the villagers of the village along with his large pack following behind him called the

" Silver lotus pack"

Luka quickly transform back in a human and went to greet his father who have been away from the village for a week.

Luka running to the muscular looking warrior man with long silver hair going down his back.

" Father you are finally back," Luka jumps into the warrior's arm, happy to see his father.

In a deep but friendly voice.

" Sorry for being away for so long, I hope you were a good boy while I was gone," said father.

" Yep, sis and I have being practicing hard," son replied.

The two chitchat for a bit until Lora finally made it back to the village. She wanted to welcome back her father, but stop mid-sentence. Instead, she wanted to wait until he gets home.

Slowly taking her leave, father saw her leaving and stop her by calling out her name. With no other option, the girl turned around in a nervous state.

" Welcome home father," Lora slowly turn to greet father with a nervous tone.

Father walks over to her to immediately give her a hug. She feels a bit embarrass once he lift her up in the air.

" Quit it would you," she embarrassingly said.

" Sorry, couldn't help myself," he replied joyfully.

Lora doesn't mind the affection toward her from her father, but considering her place and view point from others in the village.

Lora looking at the muttering villagers whispering among themselves. Not able to hear them Lora is already familiar with their eyes of disgust toward her.

Lora was hoping not to trouble her father by greeting him outside, but he always insisted.

When father notices the whispering and couldn't take it anymore, he growls loudly that silent everyone.

A very large man with scars covering his body name Kong, who is the

" Omega"

Making him the second in command of the pack. He addresses father who is the

" Alpha "

The pack leader by his name... Wayne.

Kong reminds Wayne about the meeting with the elders. Remembering the meeting father leaves with the rest of his pack to go see the elders at the submit. So Lora and Luka should wait on him at home.

Lora knows that everytime father goes to the submit it is due to something important. And most of the time, it always have something to do with Lora. So later that night, Lora sneaks to the submit, which is a large building in the middle of the village made out of woods, just like all the other houses in the village.

She climbs on the side of the building getting to an open window where she spot her father standing in the middle of the ring surrounded by four elderly people sitting on high chair at each direction of the large open area room lite up by torches.

They were discussing something about a very important and special event coming up that is held once every five years. And their village will be the host this year. Lora also heard them discussing something about the son of the former alpha of the

" Black moon pack"

from the

" Eastern village."

Making an early appearance. Intrigued by the topic about the other villages. Lora leans in further to learn more, but her hand slip and she fell right Into the middle of the submit that surprises everyone.

Lora getting up from the pain realizes what she have gotten herself into by interrupting a special meeting. She quickly tries to come up with an excuse to leave.

" This isn't the bathroom, my bad. I will leave so don't mind me."

Lora cluckles before taking her leave. But was stop by one of the elder who release a power beastly growl that send out a wave of strange energy. Stopping Lora in her tracks as it felt like her entire body have been paralyzed out of fear.

" Human girl, please stay, it save yours father the trouble for explaining it himself," said the elder in a condescending manner.

The elder giving off a very intense stare at Lora as he continue to say that what goes next is especially for Lora. Lora is having a bad feeling about this.

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